I'm not downplaying gun violenceDownplaying gun violence in a country plagued with daily mass shootings is some wild shyt.
Imagine saying the part in bold and not realizing you're literally describing America (Minus the sexually liberal part of course). Also if her job was fine with it there's no issue.
Also please so me your proof on the bold
Also I'm pretty sure you're religious aren't u

I'm saying that action movies are not the same thing as snuff films of a certain kind (which is what you're describing), and that cartoonish violence airing on television is not comparable to a person literally having sex at work and having it recorded

And I realized that I'm describing America when it comes to sexual harassment and assault - which is the point I'm making, places that have an incredibly surface-level "sexually liberated culture" aren't any better than their slightly more prudish (surface-level as well) peer countries.
You want proof that non-American Western countries have high levels of workplace sexual harassment and assault lol? Including child sexual abuse?
I'll drop some links, but I'm not saying anything outside of the norm or breaking new ground here:
HR Magazine - Sexual harassment still rife in UK workplaces
Sexual harassment in the workplace in Germany | CMS Expert Guides
Sexual harassment on the rise in German workplace: study | DW | 25.10.2019
Sexual harassment in the workplace in the Netherlands | CMS
#metoo: Vast majority of workplace sexual harassment in Finland goes unreported
And no, I'm not really religious at all (though I do enjoy liberation theology and black radical theology).