Where's Suikoden VI??????
The WWE is a machine, if the machine is behind you, you CAN'T FAIL, period. They will force feed you whatever they want till you tap out and give in because that is what they do...Cena and Orton are prime examples of it and the fans know it. Other superstars transcend on their own, and the E does NOTHING to help them and sometimes, for reasons I will never comprehend, stall their rise.
At some point and time you just stop trying to rage against the machine, and just join in. Whether it be because you simply don't want the stress of nit picking the stupidity of certain things or you just want to lampoon the product, most E fans have given up being "wrestling fans" and just watch for entertainment purposes only. Is there a difference? Well, IMO there is because I feel the respect level for the business and the people involved is devalued if it's simply entertainment but that's the battle lines between fans that's being drawn by the WWE. Why? My guess is the E is gauging whether or not The E Universe is in favor of transitioning over to being "wrestling" fans. Putting the belt on a guy like Bryan or Punk is sort of a test to the fans themselves.
Bryan going on about being a wrestler, same as Punk did, is digging into the underdog role as well as questioning the validity of the E Universe. I personally don't like it, but they chose to go this route once again with Cena when there's several other avenues they could go down. Cena using the NFL comparison........well, with Roger Goddell doing his very best to white wash the league into an emotionless gentleman's sport, bad comparison IMO, but I get where he was TRYING to go with it. He came off as arrogant and pompous (if this was done on purpose for a heel turn, it's genius) instead of explaining that he too is a wrestler, who just so happens to be able to entertain. Saying he'd never devalue the WWE championship by wrestling for another company...boyscout line for a BS company that could've spent some of that campaign money for INSURANCE FOR THE WRESTLERS... but fukk them if they want to take a job at another company to have a more relaxed schedule or simply heal up and re-coup. fukk them if they get fired for no reason and have no choice, it was a bad line. In fact, the entire angle was poorly executed IMO, the wrestler vs. worker face/face confrontation angle is bad booking.
If John Cena was as terrible as some people say he is, he wouldn't be in the position he's in. However, if people actually believe Cena has been or ever will be in position to fail, you're delusional. The same can not be said for the other 90-95% of the roster.
At some point and time you just stop trying to rage against the machine, and just join in. Whether it be because you simply don't want the stress of nit picking the stupidity of certain things or you just want to lampoon the product, most E fans have given up being "wrestling fans" and just watch for entertainment purposes only. Is there a difference? Well, IMO there is because I feel the respect level for the business and the people involved is devalued if it's simply entertainment but that's the battle lines between fans that's being drawn by the WWE. Why? My guess is the E is gauging whether or not The E Universe is in favor of transitioning over to being "wrestling" fans. Putting the belt on a guy like Bryan or Punk is sort of a test to the fans themselves.
Bryan going on about being a wrestler, same as Punk did, is digging into the underdog role as well as questioning the validity of the E Universe. I personally don't like it, but they chose to go this route once again with Cena when there's several other avenues they could go down. Cena using the NFL comparison........well, with Roger Goddell doing his very best to white wash the league into an emotionless gentleman's sport, bad comparison IMO, but I get where he was TRYING to go with it. He came off as arrogant and pompous (if this was done on purpose for a heel turn, it's genius) instead of explaining that he too is a wrestler, who just so happens to be able to entertain. Saying he'd never devalue the WWE championship by wrestling for another company...boyscout line for a BS company that could've spent some of that campaign money for INSURANCE FOR THE WRESTLERS... but fukk them if they want to take a job at another company to have a more relaxed schedule or simply heal up and re-coup. fukk them if they get fired for no reason and have no choice, it was a bad line. In fact, the entire angle was poorly executed IMO, the wrestler vs. worker face/face confrontation angle is bad booking.
If John Cena was as terrible as some people say he is, he wouldn't be in the position he's in. However, if people actually believe Cena has been or ever will be in position to fail, you're delusional. The same can not be said for the other 90-95% of the roster.