Exactly. There's no need for any type of heel turn for Bryan right now. Not only is the crowd HOT for him when he gets going (hell, they're hot for him when he's just doing schtick), but WWE is in dire need of over faces in the upper midcard and beyond right now.
I mean, other than:
-Cena (getting booed worse than I can remember, or at least since about 2006-2007...and it's not going to get any better)
-Sheamus (really good worker, AWFUL babyface)
-Orton (over as hell, but a). Makes a better heel than face, b). Hates being a face, and c). Isn't getting close to any belt in the immediate future)
Who do they have in terms of full time upper card faces? Del Rio (i.e., Ricardo, because Del Rio STILL isn't over)? Jericho (Not happening in any permanent capacity)? Everyone else is hopelessly midcard and/or totally undesirable (The fukking Miz
Face main eventer Daniel Bryan isn't just something that we want to happen, it's something that WWE vitally needs right now.
This, of course, means that they will totally fukk it up by turning him heel for a shytty Bryan/Kane feud.