I meant super-fights, as of late..
at Cormier/Jones and Cormier/Velazquez being super-fights (no knock against DC).
the old "let me tell u about the time.....i ...almost died" type trickery
..Either u have early signs of alzheimers or u have a selective memory.In the lead up to his last fight with SF, DC put filters out there about the possibility of moving to lhw (when entering the ufc) due to his teammate having the gold at hw.The fans didnt need an excuse to salivate at 2 blax goin at it & it grew legs..Do u remember the hype cormier had during the sf tourney?
ppl were wetting their pant over the possibility of him doin the dance with the top of the hw div=cain..
]When were fans clamoring for Silva/Fedor?
stop trollin or maybe I I am wrong and you fanatism doesnt go that far.
Pettis has destroyed the likes of Bendo.
ermm the first fight was a spirited back and forth if you watched the whole thing and not just the kick/highlights.The second fight he subbed him very early in the 1st.Did he beat him? yup.Did he finish him? yup.Did he embarass him? yup.Did he destroy him? no.
Cerrone and Joe Lauzon. Cerrone was a top 10 LW in MMA when Pettis beat him, yet you call him a gate-keeper?
And Joe Lauzon was around a top 8-12 LW when Pettis beat him (another destruction).
All 3 of the aforementioned fighters being very tough and durable as well..
yet they are pre-lim stalwarts as oppose to being in title contention.You know you are scraping the bottom of the barrel when you are citing that "destroying" someone possibly ranked 12th is noteworthy
You saying 'You had a flashy kid whos claim to fame was the kick/beating bendo' which is clearly dismissing Pettis' accomplishments.
Thats all well an good but ufc operates on hype, an ad isnt going to waste precious time talking about lowly lws fair weathers dont care about.You got to hit em with facts make it succinct yet with impactThose 2 wins against benson is it as it stands, thats just the truth