My point is you WILL ALWAYS CONTRIBUTE TO IT BECAUSE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. How do you not understand this? You dudes always jump to these never going to happen pipe dreams. Nobody is a self sustaining economy and the influence of the west already exists and is spreading throughout africa. Youre not leapfrogging economically in Africa and then somehow becoming self sustaining and contained. And millions of people aren't leaving their home, family, friends, property, and convenience to go somewhere they dont know for no reason. Successful black communities can be made in the US and can subvert white supremacy. You dudes only wrongly argue this for one of 3 reasons.
1. You're genuinely ignorant usually willingly
2. Its an excuse not to do anything
or 3. You're trying to 1 up somebody in this faux pro black e-game which doesnt help anything except your own ego
All 3 are pathetic so take your pick
Its not for no reason,I just gave you a tangible plan that could likely get you the reperations you want due to the value that would be lost accross the global economy.
You basically just gave me a bunch of reasons why the new black boule and complacent,comfortable nikkas in this country won't do it. Then had the nerve to say I'm trying to make an excuse to not do anything

. You just gave me a full list of reason why black people are never going to do anything that will make themselves uncomfortable in order to win. Damn, I'm sure glad the elders yall like to call soft,actually had some heart. Modern day gmo'd black folks could never do what they did, "What?We gotta take the bus!?Wait we can't take the bus?we gotta walk?!

". I'm just going to have to show and prove. Sadly you think I'm pipe dreaming,as you speak of subverting white supremacy,something that hasn't been done yet,but you make sound so much easier