damn!!!! Yvette Carnell is going in on Tariq Nasheed!!!! FBA VS ADOS


Apr 2, 2018
Yeah, the issue is this (how I see it): Yvette and Tone are tired of being called "MAGA" and republicans by non-ADOS and the faux pan-africanist Kings and Queens. So, they saw the chance to make sure people who are too lazy (and have alternative motives) to watch their numerous videos on their Democratic stance -- to make sure they know they do not support Trump and are not MAGA.

Yvette being on the Immigration reform panel -- got non-ADOS panties in a bunch - and they did everything in their power to link her to MAGA and Trump.

Even though Immigration and most of Black American's stance on immigration and it's cons for our communities --- has been the same for GENERATIONS. But they used it to do the faux outrage and to discredit ADOS.

All and all, it doesn't matter - cause non-ADOS who are against our goals --- and those who are anti-Black American and have been before any of this was even thought of -- will still be xenophobic and hateful to ADOS/Black Americans.

So, they did all this for no reason. And all three are fighting for no reason. They will still call all us slurs, MAGA and everything else. Just a waste of time.

This is an excellent point.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
How long have you been mentioning the discrepancy between the whole lineage/group thing lol. All those threads they were coming at you telling you it’s just lineage so stop playing dumb....... and now the past 5 pages have been “Tariq is 100% right about the whole lineage/group thing”.

All of this is hilarious on so many levels.
Earliest I can find directly addressing it is May but I saw some posts hinting at it earlier.

shyt ain't even a profound thought, it was just annoying to say something about the GROUP and have people turn it into something about us as people :gucci: and muhfukkas STILL couldn't get it til now, that Tariq said it :mjtf:

but so long as the message been received :lawd:


Aug 6, 2015
This is an excellent point.

Tone and Yvette used this as a chance to engage in "Crisis Management" PR -- and some can even class it as "Reputation Management" PR.

But, the thing is - they truly believed by engaging in these tactics (calling out/distancing from faux historian and author Mr. Nasheed) would help their reputation amongst people who are against HASHTAG ADOS and see it as "divisive."

In addition, to all the other crazy ish people say about them -- as in HASHTAG ADOS.

Not understanding, the people who don't like HASHTAG ADOS -- more than likely do not like us like that, engage in anti-Black American rhetoric/hate speech -- and do not care about Black Americans/ADOS (Lineage) in general.

They believe the same things White and others do about us -- and spew the same stereotypes and statements they do.

This back and forth will not change the minds of anyone. This back and forth will not help them clear up any faux rumors/beliefs non-ADOS and others who are anti-reparations, anti-separate ethnicity identity, anti-ADOS only AA -- hold and cling too.

They will not win any new supporters or allies.

Those against ADOS have their own goals and motives for being anti-Black American -- for a host of reasons. But, the main one IMO is they see the classification "African-American" as a catch all term for ALL people who share the same race. They don't respect Black Americans/ADOS and see us as a mule and/or slave class - and who are we to make claims on anything in this country.

And they tend to think we are "lost," cultureless, degenerate people - who are lazy and my fave -- "waiting on a hand-out" from he good white man.

It's Anti-Black American xenophobia meets paternalism meets aligning with and supporting White Supremacy.

The Plan - no matter the racial classification:

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Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
I really think Tariq is a right-wing agent. If I were Yvette/Tone I'd apologize to non-ADOS Blacks for any talking points that may have offended them(tho they NEVER said some thing along the lines of Black immigrants bringing Aids to USA) and gather support from them that way Tariq will be MORE isolated. The majority of the vile anti-immigrant talking points have came from Tariq...


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
No yall both wrong. He is a YouTuber who closed in on the ADOS market and put his own branding on it FBA. Anyone with half a business mind can see through this.
Tone and the dyke need to fall back. Yea it's cool that they addressed the trump tweet. But after flex said he wasn't supporting ANYONE that shiiit should have been deaded but they been wanting smoke so they can get out of flex shadow. But they're gonna take an L, When it's all said and done.
Let's be real, without flex, the black channel, prof black truth cosigning, them dudes would NOT have that buzz. Alot of people rep them based off the cosign


May 20, 2012
And here is part of the reason we need to separate out our groups. Yall want to dump your degenerates on African americans and blame African American culture for the bad shyt, then any other time yall got yall flags up. Nah. Time for people to take responsibility for people in their own little groups. I didn't see the boy rocking a "pan African" flag. He had his specific flag in his pics. FOH with this weak ass no-responsibility shyt. "It's black American culture". FOH. :camby:

Culture is not genetic. It's not passed down by DNA. If you are born and raised in America that's likely going to be your biggest cultural influence. If your parents moved to Africa before you were born and raised you there do you think you would magically identify with American culture? Of course not, you would talk, act like, and be a part of the culture of the Africans you have been surrounded by your whole life. This kid didn't have a haitian accent based off his IG page. You are doing the cherry picking I spoke about in my post. That kid is american as apple pie whether you like it or not. Nipsey hustle repped his Eitrean roots hard with the flag and all but that was different huh... you love taking the credits of the black immigrants and their American born children as your own. Cant have it both ways if that's the argument you are trying to make.

And since you are going down this "seperate groups" road let's take that line of thinking further. What do you think happens to black America if that were to ever occur? Do you think the picture of FBA will look better or worse? Ironically Yvette has spoken on this in the past but most (not all) colleges and advanced degree programs are filled these days with blacks that are actually black immigrants or the 2nd/ 3rd generation american kids of immigrants. statistics don't separate them out cause everyone just checks the same "black" box but a lot of "positive" data on blacks yall love to use in pro ADOS talking points is heavily skewed and propped up by the inclusion of all groups of blacks in that data. Separating the groups would mean ADOS would be native american status over night. Only 69% of "black" students graduate high school. Let's be real, do you think that number goes up or down when you take out non ADOS and their descendants? This is one of few things I actually agree with Yvette on (although folks call her a pessimist) .. the reality is the picture is really bleak for ADOS if look at the data and stats in that way.

The ADOS black community also owns very little of their own communities. Outside of cacs, Hispanics, arabs, asians, indians, caribbeans, east africans and west africans pretty much own all the businesses in the hood. Of those groups the only one who consistently employs, works with, and does business with ADOS are west africans and caribbeans. Those are the only 2 allies ADOS has left and a major source of economic empowerment if ADOS blacks ever got in touch with their roots and invested in doing business and strengthening ties with those groups and countries. It's not a surprise that white supremacy has focused on destroying those ties. It's a global economy and cacs, asians, and idians are getting rich in africa while ADOS blacks are missing the gravy train. Tariq got yall focused on isolationism from these groups when you should be focused on how you can make money together.


Dec 8, 2015
You understand the economy,yet you want to continue to contribute trillions to your oppressors economy. Make your oppressors rich beyond imagination through your black talents? Black people are the only thing keeping America afloat in my opinion,we are the only reason america is loved globally. Maybe if we leave it would cripple the economy and open the floodgates for the wolves. Of course you can't escape white supremacy completely at the moment. The idea is to escape it as much as you can,contribute to a black nations economy,spirituality,education or however you choose to contribute. Then you sit back and wait for the European to fall. As the most influential group in the free world,we could easily turn the world against the U.S,we did it with the Civil Rights movement.

In the meantime we would be enjoying our lives,not have to worry about white race soldiers. Have a greater ability to shield our children from European brainwashing and indoctrination.
My point is you WILL ALWAYS CONTRIBUTE TO IT BECAUSE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. How do you not understand this? You dudes always jump to these never going to happen pipe dreams. Nobody is a self sustaining economy and the influence of the west already exists and is spreading throughout africa. Youre not leapfrogging economically in Africa and then somehow becoming self sustaining and contained. And millions of people aren't leaving their home, family, friends, property, and convenience to go somewhere they dont know for no reason. Successful black communities can be made in the US and can subvert white supremacy. You dudes only wrongly argue this for one of 3 reasons.
1. You're genuinely ignorant usually willingly
2. Its an excuse not to do anything
or 3. You're trying to 1 up somebody in this faux pro black e-game which doesnt help anything except your own ego

All 3 are pathetic so take your pick


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Tone and Yvette used this as a chance to engage in "Crisis Management" PR -- and some can even class it as "Reputation Management" PR.

But, the thing is - they truly believed by engaging in these tactics (calling out/distancing from faux historian and author Mr. Nasheed) would help their reputation amongst people who are against HASHTAG ADOS and see it as "divisive."

In addition, to all the other crazy ish people say about them -- as in HASHTAG ADOS.

Not understanding, the people who don't like HASHTAG ADOS -- more than likely do not like us like that, engage in anti-Black American rhetoric/hate speech -- and do not care about Black Americans/ADOS (Lineage) in general.

They believe the same things White and others do about us -- and spew the same stereotypes and statements they do.

This back and forth will not change the minds of anyone. This back and forth will not help them clear up any faux rumors/beliefs non-ADOS and others who are anti-reparations, anti-separate ethnicity identity, anti-ADOS only AA -- hold and cling too.

They will not win any new supporters or allies.

Those against ADOS have their own goals and motives for being anti-Black American -- for a host of reasons. But, the main one IMO is they see the classification "African-American" as a catch all term for ALL people who share the same race. They don't respect Black Americans/ADOS and see us as a mule and/or slave class - and who are we to make claims on anything in this country.

And they tend to think we are "lost," cultureless, degenerate people - who are lazy and my fave -- "waiting on a hand-out" from he good white man.

It's Anti-Black American xenophobia meets paternalism meets aligning with and supporting White Supremacy.

The Plan - no matter the racial classification:

Ubong The Visionary ‏ @UbongTheNeptune
Replying to @KyMurda
But you were never intended on being Americans , the constitution was never thought of for black People in the first place, it’s like y’all don’t understand your position and still don’t

4:35 PM - 9 Nov 2019

You see these sideways comments. I hope this dude is not living in the U.S.


with "allies" like these......


Sep 23, 2014
Tone and the dyke need to fall back. Yea it's cool that they addressed the trump tweet. But after flex said he wasn't supporting ANYONE that shiiit should have been deaded but they been wanting smoke so they can get out of flex shadow. But they're gonna take an L, When it's all said and done.
Let's be real, without flex, the black channel, prof black truth cosigning, them dudes would NOT have that buzz. Alot of people rep them based off the cosign
I don't even know who flex is. So much for his cosign:francis:


May 20, 2012
And he's half ADOS - if I am not mistaken. It's shows you people have these dual loyalties -- and usually the loyalty and respect is not to Black America/ADOS.

And you know "modern day Black American Culture?" Cause, I doubt it. And I doubt you know what it looks like and are surrounded -- or engulfed by it.

And what is modern day Nigerian Culture?

This correlation to violence, backwardness and all things bad - to Black American culture is really laughable.

I say that to say -- don't throw rocks and insults - cause you can say "American degenerate Culture and love for violence" -- but if this was so true then way are non-ADOS killing themselves to get over here to said culture.

Why are people literally escaping from their countries (and crying about immigration changes) -- where they also have massive degenerate cultures and EXTREME violence to come here.

Let's be smart and respectful about this.

I'm half ados. born and raised here with the ADOS side of my family. I know half of my roots and I am close with my extended family in Africa as well. I celebrate that. Doesn't make me any less black american cause I celebrate that too. If that bothers you then so be it.