The Tariq haters in this entire thread remind me of the white people who hate Floyd Mayweather. They root for anyone who is against Floyd, and even tho Floyd beats his opponents, the white people go thru all types of wishful delusions to pretend that his opponents somehow won.
Now as far as Tariq vs ADOS...Tone and Yvette are clearly lights out right now..Their credibility is shot at this point, and everyone knows this.
Yet you have people in here talking about " Yvette sure gave him dat work didn't she"..
Thats the tragic comedy of this thread..
Watching the Tariq haters try to lift each other spirits
Facts. They were exposed and that's why emotions are so high now. It's remarkable to sit back and watch the Tariq-haters either:
A) Do mental gymnastics to spin this into a win
B) Ignore gaping holes and inconsistencies with their organization's leadership.
Time will reveal tho.