tariq just trying to deflect and pivot away from the assbeating that he caught from YC.
He can't debate and he's never been able to...he just doesn't have the standard distracting insults to lobby this time, the YURA defenses he always uses
you're a WS
you're a BW
you're Boule
you're a foreigner
your great great great grandmother wasn't born here
dude gets washed and exposed when he debates an adult, but the insults and jokes distract people from the noting the lack of substance coming from him
Going up against people that he can't use those stock-insults against, it becomes more apparent that he's in over his head, and even his biggest supporters can see it.
True to his character, the organization that he was alligned with just 7 days ago is now an "LBGT led organization"
Byron Allen, who he bigged up in the past..is now an(insert slur/insult)
Anything to get people to forget that YC pulled his all of his cards.