Amazon hiring everywhere. Too bad that you can't live off $16/hr here in Maryland or Cali or NY or anywhere that ain't some bombed out town in Ohio or Weat Virginia. UPS was hiring hella drivers this year. I was about to do it until I learned they work 14 hour days all week all year round.
Car dealerships were hiring hella salesmen. But you could work 70 hours a week and not make shyt or be balling making $20k a month but not have a life outside work. I'm in the process of starting my own business because I'm at the age where I want to work smart and if I'm slaving, it's to build my own empire, not to buy some Vigo from ghostbusters looking soulless cac of a boss another yacht or a Lambo.
We haven't felt the full effects of the lockdowns yet. Literally millions of jobs aren't coming back. Thousands of businesses destroyed by lockdowns and riots. The American public and the western world is being lied to. If Covid was bad and small businesses need to close down... Why is Walmart packed with hundreds of people everyday and Amazon warehouses more packed than ever of the virus is so deadly? Over 650 thousand die from heart disease in America every year yet McDonalds is still open everywhere. Millions die from alcohol related deaths worldwide, much more than corona, yet the liquor store never closed. 9 million people die from starvation worldwide annually yet the world is shutdown for a virus that kills a fraction of that. The Coli is only good for fukkery. Too many brain dead sheeple on here that will line up to get a untested vaccine like the Tuskegee experiments never happened.