Nobody expects to get robbed in broad daylight in a restaurant tho. That just doesn’t happen.
Scenario 1
She is complicit and arranged with some goons to rob him. In this scenario, it is probable that she didn't intend for him to get killed and that she had concerns about a text message leading back to her.
To deal with her concerns, she'd just have to give the green light through a post on SM to signify their location.
Scenario 2
She is an idiot. You can say that no one expects to be robbed in broadlight and where he is concerned that isn't enough.
He actually warned her. Less than a year ago, some rapper got killed buying cookies for his mum. Just the other day, some sket was threatening to leak to the location of a rapper to his opps. It is something that happens and it is a concern he raised with her when she kept posting his business.
I'm interested in seeing what comes out of this. Not saying she is involved but it would not surprise me and I am half expecting it.