Kongo McMicheal
I don't watch that much either. This board is more entertaining than wrestling itself these days. I agree though.
yall takr e this way too serious yo. have a coouple drakn s and be good. Mania felt like a hour long to me and i wasnt mad at the end of the shyt lol.
Not watching every week makes everything better. It was decent to me.Every match was,
Damn that shyt sucked lol
Im gonna go sleep but ill expand on this shyt after.
And before anyone says "Youll watch raw on monday" I don't even watch that shyt lol. I could of watched raw 3 times in the year 2012. I get my wrestling info from yall lol.
I wanted to fast forward nearly every match. The Cmpunk vs taker was meh, now every other match was garbage my dude
I don't think ill totally stop watching wrestling ill still check for some big fukkry/royal rumble/wrestelmania
but watch this shyt week in week out? hell no.
So brehs am i getting to old for this or is the wwe falling off.
no it was garbage I havent watched raw in a while didn't even know what was going on with the storylines my bother gets mania every year though. I remember when they would always turn it up for wrestle mania as far as movesets and risk in a match but the last 4 years or so them shyts have been like regular matches with more finishers
This Mania was probably the most predictable shyt ever. I figured that they would have switched up a bit because 95% of the predictions that I saw were correct.