With someone who deals with friends and family with children who have autism. Very little of the evidence falls to age. Most of the people( men) I know aren't old or haven't done marijuana, steroids. Plus Autism has alot to do with the primary Central Nervous System. Alot of the children have back issues, extremely low immune systems, sleeping issues and cognitive problems . If the case was age of father theory than Autism epidemic would have span generations. Plus most people who claim it was the vaccines notice their child physical and emotional responses hours and days after the shots.
Let me know when people want to have real discussion about what Formaldehyde and Mercury does to the system and the whole debate would shatter the myth behind vaccines.
Well, if a real disucussion means that you will refute a Scientic study from major Journal by presenting your own anecdote, then I don't anyone wants to have "real discussion".