Then Abandoned Nation tape and was changing things up to become a little more socially conscious. Which was dope.
But he kept upping the ante on that and by the time he linked with Just Blaze he was marketing himself was being super conscious and positive. That's cool and there's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of his songs did get more....borderline preachy? I can't think of a better term. And don't get me wrong, I still fukked with Greatest Story Never Told and followed the making of and the release of that album closely. But I did prefer Warning Shots/Yardfather era Saigon over GSNT era and beyond Saigon.
July 30 at 2:17 PM ·
This is why Im 100% comfortable in my skin making a song like Ol Skool Moves teaching kids something POSITIVE. I sacrificed ALOT of fame and fortune to preach POSITIVITY in my music. When I came in the game I knew Gangster Rap was what sold, I told @justblaze @1978hiphop I aint with it and I dont care of I dont sell 10 copies. I had an opportunity on Atlantic Records and I made a Positive Progressive album and it kinda cost me my career. They want us to preach the detrimental aspects of our community til this day. While our kids suffer from it, go to their prisons and they make millions. As U can see I was as WILD as they come as a kid. CPW in the 2nd degree stands for criminal possession of a weapon. GUNS.. In 1994 I was 16 racking up REAL violent felonies. In 1991 I was 13 years old.. 13. Who gets arrested twice on the same day for the SAME thing.. I wasnt a drug dealer, I was shooter.. Period. They let me out and I was right back at it everytime.. That was my GOAL in life. I couldve been on top of the world if I willing to glorify that lifestyle and talk about the life I actually REALLY lived.. I declined.. Ironically I listen to these so called tough rappers and these were the same guys who were really SUPER SOFT and would HATE to see a guy like me coming. In this picture Im 17 in State Prison and was already a hardened criminal WILDING in the system. NOW, when I listen to an artist the second he starts talking about My Gat This, my Burner That I automatically tune him out. Last week I put out a new single Ol Skool Moves and people are acting as if theyre upset I made a song a kid could listen to and have fun and dance to...