Ya' Cousin Cleon
I am not a follower of Cynthia G nor Tariq. But, I get her point and respect her for calling out the double standard.
I personally do not like the term “bedwench” or “bedbuck” — for historical usage reasons. I also don’t like to use the word “c00n” or “beta-male c00n” — or any variation of that term for the same reason. I have used “buck” to compare the usage of those who love to use “bedwench.”
People use those terms now do so to publicly “shame” — and/or call out those who IR date - which to me — is disrespectful to our ancestors - those men and women (more so children) who had to go through that.
Contrary to what some believe — it wasn’t their choice — it was rape and sexual violation. It also tells me those same people haven’t taken the time to do their genealogy and are not connected to their ancestors — if they were they wouldn’t use those terms.
But, back to your question — I personally do not get angry — but I do think it’s backwards and suspect when someone does not consistently and unbiasly call out both sexes. When someone does that — men or woman — I know they are really serious and isn’t worth my time.
The point again is — treat men and women who IR date the same.
If it’s cool for a BM and those same BM who say that it is and also participate in IR— usually love to call BW “bedwenches” — and/or are on silent when that BW does the samething — and is attacked or called out.
Be consistent. If that BW is whatever disrespectful term you wanna call her — so is that BM who does the same thing.
A lot of the users on here and on social media in general (BM&BW) are weird AF — talking about white supremacy but campaigning for “love is blind” and pro-IR. But, to each it’s own.
The same people talking about “staying on code” — can’t even define and differentiate between WS, racism, prejudice, and bigotry.
for your sanity sake breh don't take this shyt to heart