I do think there are some inconsistencies with cyberpsychosis in how the game describes it and how the anime describes it. In the game people are full on androids, like 90%
That's really not how it works. While every implant does carry inherent risk to a degree, there's no real flat % like that.
Proper post-treatment is important too if you read the logs as well - and all rippers aren't created equal. But the dermal stuff is treated like cosmetics more or less. Even Arasaka had no issue doing the same to their hospitality teams. If that type of thing were a major risk, they'd never have their low rung workers gold-plated and escorting VIPs.
They make it clear that there's efforts to downplay cyberpsychosis altogether too. Also in the game you've got people welded to shyt they threw together in their trailer parks, paranoia gradually taking over slowly with some, and one guy legit comes back from the dead more or less....
machine and they are living with it fine.
Like that pop star Lizzy that fully incased herself in metal. There are a lot of regular degular and wealthy people are are more than half machine in the game and nothing is wrong with them.
In the show they make it seem like just getting one too many cyberware enhancements will make you go crazy. This feels very specific to the show, as a lot of cyber psychos in the game dont look like main just regular dudes with enhancements.