Yeah, all 3 of the shows He's done has been good.That's it, I'm charmed by this show. This Veronica Mars showrunner nikka is the shyt!
Looks like they are trying to give Clive a possible love interest with this FBI chick .
I was just thinking about that during the episode. I remember during an episode last season, Liv was asking him personal questions trying to get know him better personally and he shut her down.Of the supporting characters, he is the least we know about personally.
Anybody else sometimes be over the shyt Liv creates with the brains? Last week's deep fried variation looked delicious.
when Clive ate the pizza though.
Will Liv's latest brain make her more or less of a team player? iZombie is new Tuesday at 9/8c.
Can Liv coach Major into fixing his life? Executive Producers Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright preview Tuesday's new iZombie at 9/8c.