Lol I was more so thinking about the fact that Black classism is seemingly a touchy subject here and in TLR.
We need more black elites. Deal with it.
I’m gonna read this later cuz it looks interesting but it reminds me of something Dr. Amos Wilson said regarding how Black people dont actually own or control their culture and as such the outsiders that do are able to inculcate whatever values they want into Black people as well as utilize the Black image to fit a certain idea.
It would be a much different situation if Black folks was more in control of their culture.
The way they were even acting like they need more poor black people on TV then acting like Cosby was harmful. Bruh, its ONE tv show. And there weren't even that many black shows! Like...what the fukk is all this whining about?!
We. Have. NOTHING. If we get ONE black show of a successful black family, then these burlap bag fashionistas come through trying to lower the goddamn bar.
Bruh so are you saying black people shouldn't have images of black success now?!
This isn't really about black people, it's about rich people practicing nepotism.
I can say for sure that standup comedy is dead at the lower levels because of rich people.
There are no rich black people.
Incredible article. Articulated a lot of the class-based issues I experienced in undergrad and will probably continue to experience to a lesser degree in grad school.
Explained a lot of nuances and differences that are often felt, but never really detailed to such a great extent. And yeah, I’m seeing now with the advent of Trap Yoga, Trap Brunch, Trap Iceland Vacations, etc. especially the dynamic in that the black middle class have to virtue signal proximity to poverty in order to cash-in on the industry of ‘blackness’
Its a lot of whining with no suggestions. its basically a light-weight conservative critique of black escapism while ignoring the actual racism black employees face. The author himself is a liberal arts grad student, even if he grew up poor.
Look at the author.

You telling me yall taking HIS critique on actual black people? WORD?
No wonder he spends so much time whining about "what about the white poor"...
ANY TIME SOME black people get SOMETHING, here come these bullshyt class reductionist clowns. I HATE these b*stards. They want us to have N O T H I N G.