Man the MTA is almost as bad as gentrification...and gentrification is the worst
That $429M going to uncle Geno's overtime...
Man the MTA is almost as bad as gentrification...and gentrification is the worst
That $429M going to uncle Geno's overtime...
Not a damn thing will be fixed and you can quote me on that...
Stuff does get fixed. It’s just most of the improvements are behind schedule. But they are working on it.That $429M going to uncle Geno's overtime...
Not a damn thing will be fixed and you can quote me on that...
It's estimated the plan, which would be rolled out over two years, would raise between $1 billion and $1.5 billion annually, with all the revenue going to the region's mass transit systems, the source said. None of the money would be earmarked for road and bridge improvements, the sources said.
How they charging these so-called drivers again?! Some sort of Toll on bridges or diverting funds from the already tolled bridges and whatnot???![]()
I just read it and it's bullshyt, charging people driving through tunnel entrances?!?!
if that's what it takes
they've really gotta limit the number of taxis and tlc cars. I swear for every car on the road three have tlc plates