live it to the limit
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Right! Let me walk into work tomorrow with a fro, i'd get all types of looks. I got Senegalese twist last summer and you would have thought I grew a whole new head.I remember being a junior high and a white Latino girl said to me, "Why would I want black peoples hair? It's like having pubic hair on top of your head". There are a lot of young black girls who grow up thinking their natural hair isn't good enough because of the way this society functions. Now that a bunch of culture lacking hipster bytches are bored it's now cool to have an afro. No bytch, you can not have an afro.
I'll remember this the next time I wear my hair out in an afro, twist out, or braid out and some non black person ask's me, "Why didn't you do your hair? Are you going to leave your hair like that"