I'm feeling it... I wasn't at first... it was pretty wack... but yeah after a while its fun. Just gotta get all the stuff down.
But the sad truth is most gamers don't wanna try anything that doesn't fit into what they know
Some say its the "Call of Duty" disorder but I think its deeper than that
Any new style of game gets hated on by ppl too stuck in there ways.
Crysis is probably the best shooter out behind Special Forces Team X

I love running from ppl, then I cloak myself as they run past me, then I get teh jump on them
I was playing the beta on ps3 the hunter mode is pretty fun, when you hear those hunters walking around and you're hiding with your pea shooter
pretty intense the crash site mode was meh, I think I'll pass on this for full price I haven't even beaten part 2 yet
I love it. During hunter mode, the hunted can throw a powdery bomb or something (you get two of them per life) so you can see them
You also have a "hologram" perk by pressing left on the dpad
If you a hunter you can press down or up I think and your arrows will be flaming and cause more damage.
I'm positive 99% of ppl who played the game didn't know that, but its necessary if you ever wanna be good which leads to it being fun