seems likelyam I the only one that thinks Crowder is gay?
whenever I watch a clip of him I see a gay man hiding.
seems likelyam I the only one that thinks Crowder is gay?
whenever I watch a clip of him I see a gay man hiding.
he seems to really enjoy doing pranks in drag and has serious daddy issuesam I the only one that thinks Crowder is gay?
whenever I watch a clip of him I see a gay man hiding.
am I the only one that thinks Crowder is gay?
whenever I watch a clip of him I see a gay man hiding.
It’s not hard to see why, as Youtube debate culture is known for its focus on ritualistic humiliation, as opposed to a thoughtful exchange of ideas; for example, political commentator Tim Pool became a walking punchline after repeatedly referencing the plotlines of Marvel movies during a political debate with Seder. It turns out, comparing your ideological opponent to Thanos isn’t particularly effective outside of the playground.
Hence, Crowder’s reluctance to debate Seder is somewhat understandable - nobody wants their poorly thought-out replies immortalized on the internet. But despite Crowder’s hesitation, Seder managed to ambush Crowder, after Ethan Klein brought Seder onto the H3 Podcast without telling Crowder beforehand.
Crowder had happily agreed to debate Klein (who describes himself as politically uninformed), but panicked upon seeing Seder. It didn’t take long for the debate to descend into a shouting match, as Crowder disappeared from the screen, replaced by a co-host, and four voices exchanged pleas, insults, and accused one another of cowardice.
am I the only one that thinks Crowder is gay?
whenever I watch a clip of him I see a gay man hiding.
Sam Seder Humiliates Steven Crowder After Surprise Debate Appearance, The Internet Laughs
Forbes gettin' in on the action. I especially like the additional dunk on Tim Pool.
I just watched the Tim Pool debate with Sam and yooo
Tim was saying since that debate he wanted to run that back and sam said fine before the pandemic started. Tim couldn't "make it happen" outta fear because seder faded him out in the last one. So when everything was in lockdown tim pool decided he want to have Seder on his show....but not remotely, of course, and acted like he was scared of him when he said hell no.The Thanos argument and Sam's rebuttal. Vulgar![]()