Creepy Halloween Stories/Videos


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
It's October, and Halloween is just around the corner! It's time to start scaring ourselves silly with some creepy horror stories/movies. Enjoy!!!
The Stare

The Stare is a creepy story about a girl who takes the subway one night.

A girl was sitting on the subway late one night and she noticed that the woman sitting across from her was staring intently at her. The woman was sitting between two old men. The girl kept looking away, but the woman wouldn’t break eye contact with her. The stare was beginning to freak the girl out.

At the next stop, a new passanger got on. It was a tall man in a grey trenchcoat. He sat down next to the girl.

The woman paid no attention to the man in the trenchcoat. She just kept staring at the girl, who was getting more and more creeped out as time went on. The two old men didn’t even glance in her direction. She pretended not to notice, but each time she glanced at the strange woman the stare continued.

When the train was pulling into the next stop, the man in the trenchcoat got up to leave. Suddenly, he grabbed the girl’s arm tightly and as the doors opened, he dragged her off the train.

The subway doors shut and the train pulled off, leaving the girl alone on the platform with the man in the trenchcoat. She started screaming for help.

“Calm down”, said the man. “I just saved your life. I didn’t mean to scare you but I had to get you off that train. The woman sitting opposite you was dead and the two men beside her were propping her up. “


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
The Peephole

The Peephole is a short scary story about a young girl who is left home alone when her father goes out of town on business.

A 15-year old girl named Donna lived with her father in a small house in the suburbs. Ever since her mother died, Donna had depended on her father for everything. They had a wonderful relationship and loved each other very much.

One morning, Donna’s father was leaving on a business trip. As they ate breakfast together, he told her that he would be home very late that night. With that, he kissed her on the forehead, grabbed his briefcase and walked out the front door.

Later that day, when Donna came home from school, she did some homework and watched some TV. By midnight, her father had still not returned so she decided to go to bed.

That night she had a dream. She found herself standing at the edge of a busy highway. Cars and trucks whizzed by at an alarming rate. She looked across the highway and saw a familiar figure standing on the other side. It was her father. His hands were cupped around his mouth and he seemed to be shouting something to her, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.

As the traffic whizzed by, she strained to hear. Her father’s eyes were sad. He seemed to be desperately trying to communicate something to her. She could barely make out the words: “Don’t… Open… Door…”

Suddenly, Donna was awoken from the dream by a strange tapping noise.

Tap Tap Tap.

Then somebody began to ring the doorbell downstairs.

Ring Ring Ring.

She scrambled out of bed and put on her slippers. Then, dressed only in her nightgown, she ran downstairs and went to the front door.

Looking through the peephole, she saw her father’s face outside. He was staring right at her. The doorbell kept ringing insistently.

“OK, hold on! I’m coming!”, she shouted.

She pulled back the deadbolt and was about to unlatch the door when she stopped.

She looked through the peephole at her father again. Something about his expression didn’t look quite right. His eyes were wide open. He looked terrified.

She slid the deadbolt back into place.

“Dad!”, she yelled through the door. “Did you forget your keys?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Dad, answer me!”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Dad, please! I need you to answer me!”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Is there someone else out there with you?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Why won’t you answer me?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“I’m not opening the door until you say something!”

The doorbell kept ringing and ringing, but for some reason, her father refused to answer her desperate cries.

For the rest of the night, the frightened girl cowered in a corner of the hallway, helplessly listening to the ceaseless ringing of the doorbell. It seemed to go on for hours. Eventually, she fell into an uneasy sleep.

At dawn, she woke up and realized that everything was quiet. She crept over to the door and looked through the peephole again. Her father was still there, staring at her.

She cautiously opened the door and was confronted with a sight that filled her with unimaginable horror.

Her father’s severed head was hanging from a nail above the door.

There was a note attached to the doorbell. In crude, scrawled handwriting, it read: “Clever Girl”.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT

Keyhole is a creepy story about a man who stayed in a strange hotel and encountered something very odd indeed

A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed.

The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to.

He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the keyhole. This time, all he saw was red. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red.

At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Dangerous Road

I was driving through the California desert, on my way to New Mexico. Taking a shortcut, I found myself all alone on a two lane road driving through the desolate landscape. There was nothing for miles, except for an abandoned ghost town. At the time, I had heard rumors that the area was a hotspot for satanic group activity.

It was late in the evening and the sun was setting. Soon it would be dark. I was driving through a canyon with high grass on both sides of the road. Up ahead, I noticed something in the middle of the road, blocking my path. As I came closer, I slowed down to a crawl.

There was a truck stopped sideways across both lanes. On the road, there was an open suitcase and clothes were scattered everywhere. Two bodies lay face-down in the road. It was a man and a woman and they appeared to be dead.

I stopped a hundred feet or so from the scene of the accident. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up. Something was very wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was.

I reached into the back seat and pulled out my rifle, putting a round into the chamber. Then it hit me. The scene of the accident looked too perfect. It was as if it had been staged.

Was it some sort of ambush or was I just being paranoid?

I broke out into a cold sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest. Something was seriously wrong. I didn’t dare to get out of the car.

As I scanned the road, I saw a line I could drive. I could pass the body of the man lying in the road on the left, then swerve to the right side and pass the body of the woman. I dropped into first gear, punched the engine and drove the line I planned.

I passed the back of the truck without hitting it or either of the bodies in the road. I continued forward a few hundred feet and then slowed down so I could breathe and let my heart slow down.

As I looked in the rearview mirror, I suddenly realized that the two bodies had gotten up to their knees and at least twenty shadowy figures were emerging from the tall grass on either side of the road.

At that moment, I began to panic. My right foot stepped on the gas and I sped off down the road. I didn’t let up until I had to slow down until I reached the highway.

I will never know what would have happened to me had I gotten out of the car to check on the bodies or if I had stopped my car closer to them. Somehow I don’t think it would have been good.

Sometimes real life can be scarier than any horror movie.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Red Ribbon

Bill whistled as he strolled through the park. He was on his way to meet his girlfriend, Sally. He could smell spring in the air. He jingled the engagement ring in his pocket and thought about asking Sally to marry him.

Sally sat down on a park bench and Bill kneeled down in front of her.

“Sally,” Bill said, “you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. I love you and I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

Sally laughed and said, “Yes! I will marry you.”

As Bill gazed lovingly at his bride-to-be, his eyes lingered on the red velvet ribbon Sally always wore around her neck.

“Why do you always wear that red ribbon?” Bill asked.

Sally said, “Bill, I must never take off my red ribbon!”

Bill smiled at Sally and left the ribbon alone.

Bill and Sally were married that June. Bill found a lovely little house in a nice neighborhood and they moved in.

Bill bought Sally many party dresses. But Sally always wore her red ribbon with each outfit. Bill thought this was odd.

Sally just smiled and said, “I must never take off my red ribbon.”

After a few years, Sally found out she was going to have a baby. This news delighted Bill.

Sally talked with her friends who had babies. Bill talked with his buddies who had children.

They talked together late into the night about what they had learned from everyone.

When the big day came, Sally said, “Please tell the doctor I must not take off my red ribbon!”

Bill was frustrated. But he promised Sally that he would tell the doctor.

After the baby was born, Bill gave Sally flowers.

“Thank you for the flowers, Bill,” Sally said. “And thank you for telling the doctor I must not take off my red ribbon.”

Bill did not understand why the red ribbon was so important.

“Do you want to hold little Billy?” Sally asked.

Bill, Sally, and little Billy lived happily for many years in the small, lovely house in the nice neighborhood.

When little Billy was a baby, he would sometimes reach for the red ribbon around his mother’s neck. Sally would gently take his little hands in hers and coo at him, saying, “Mommy must never ever take off her red ribbon!”

The red ribbon had frustrated Bill for a long time. He loved Sally with all of his heart, but did not understand her need to wear the red ribbon.

After many years, Bill had an idea. “Our anniversary is coming up. I will buy Sally a beautiful necklace. She will take off that old red ribbon so she can wear the beautiful necklace!”

Their anniversary came. Bill took Sally to a fancy restaurant overlooking Central Park. They had a delicious meal.

Then Bill gave Sally a velvet box with a beautiful diamond necklace in it. She opened it, smiled, and tears came to her eyes. Bill put the necklace around her neck and started to take off the red ribbon.

Sally stopped him. She said, “I must never take off my red ribbon!” Bill sat back in his seat with a huff. He looked at Sally and shook his head.

“I may never understand,” Bill said.

Sally gently placed the diamond necklace back in the velvet box and closed the lid. “It is lovely, Bill. I will treasure it always,” she said. “But I must never take off my red ribbon.”

“Why?” Bill asked, as he had for so many years.

Sally smiled sadly and shook her head. She did not answer him.

Late that night Bill was still awake. “I’ve loved Sally for more than twenty years. But she insists on wearing that horrible red ribbon around her neck. I think it’s about time I found out why.”

Bill got out of bed and walked around to Sally’s side. Bill carefully pinched the ends of the bow on the ribbon. He began to slowly pull on the ribbon.

The bow became smaller and smaller. The loops of the bow pulled through and only a half-knot was left.

Bill slid his finger under the half-knot and tugged.

ZIP! The red ribbon gave way.

POP! Sally’s head came off. It rolled right to the floor, bouncing in the moonlight!

One large tear fell from Sally’s eye.

“I warned you!” she said.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Crazy Lady

The Crazy Lady is a scary tale about a hunter who lives in a cabin, deep in the woods. One day, he comes across a beautiful young woman who may not be what she seems.

Bob had been out in the woods all day, hunting for deer. When he got back to his little cabin, it was almost dark and he was shocked to find the front door was standing open. Cautiously, he crept into the cabin and was surprised to see a young lady standing in front of the fireplace.

She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had a really pretty face and long brown hair that came down to her shoulders. She was wearing a white vest that was tied up over her stomach and a pair of blue jeans that accented her curves.

The young lady said her name was Jessica and she was lost. She had come out to the woods to stay at her father’s lodge, but had wandered off and couldn’t find her way back. She said she had spent all day, wandering in the forest, trying to find help.

Bob said that he would help her, but it was too late to go walking through the woods. She would have to stay the night in his cabin and in the morning, he would lead her back to her father’s lodge. Jessica thanked him and offered to cook him dinner in return for his kindness.

Over dinner, they talked for a while and bob was glad to have company. He didn’t meet many women, living alone as he did, in his little cabin in the woods.

Eventually, Jessica started to get sleepy. It was almost two o’clock in the morning. Bob told her she could take his bed and he would sleep in a chair. She climbed into bed, fully dressed, and before long, was sleeping soundly. She looked like she needed the rest.

Bob watched her as she slept. He thought she was one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever seen. He wondered if she could fall in love with a man like him. She was the kind of woman he had longed for all his life. Young, brown-haired and beautiful.

As Jessica slept on the bed, he sat in a chair, listening to music on the radio. He kept the volume low so that he wouldn’t wake Jessica. Then, just as he was dozing off, the music on the radio was interrupted by a local news broadcast. The reporter said that the police were combing the area in search of a prisoner who had escaped from the State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Bob’s ears pricked up.

The reporter said that the woman who had escaped was armed and dangerous. She had been convicted of the grisly murders of her husband and four other men and was sent to prison. Psychologists who examined her declared her mentally ill, and she was transferred to the State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

However, as she was being transported, she managed to overpower her guards, using a knife she had stolen from the prison cafeteria. She stabbed them to death and escaped into the woods. The police had been searching for her all day.

On the radio, they gave a description of the crazy lady. She was five foot four, 26 years old, brunette and very attractive. She had been wearing a prison uniform when she escaped, but they said she would probably try to steal some clothes to disguise herself. The police warned people to be on the lookout for the crazy lady and advised anyone who came across her to keep their distance.

Bob’s blood froze as he looked at Jessica, lying there peacefully on his bed. She fit the description perfectly. Young, brunette, beautiful and completely insane. She was the escaped maniac the police were looking for. He was sure of it. And he was sure of something else too. She was planning to kill him while he slept. He wasn’t going to let that happen. He knew what he had to do.

Suddenly, Bob jumped out of his chair and threw open the front door of the cabin. Jessica awoke with a fright and looked at him, a confused expression on her face. He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her out of bed and began dragging her towards the door. She started screaming and her arms flailed wildly, trying to catch hold of him.

He managed to wrestle her to the front door, then with a mighty heave, he threw her out into the darkness. She landed on the grass outside and immediately jumped up and came running back towards the door. Bob slammed the wooden door shut and had just enough time to lock and bolt it before she slammed into it.

He braced himself against the door, expecting her to break it down at any moment. He could hear her outside, pounding on the cabin door with her fists, kicking it with her boots and shouting at him to let her in.

And then he heard a scream – an ear-splitting shriek that made him shiver. It sounded like the howls of a crazed animal. The kind of sound that could only be made by a person who was completely insane.

Then there was a horrible silence. He could hear something shifting and moving about outside the wooden door. He was shaking with fear, ready for anything. After a while, he noticed a thin trickle of blood coming under the door. Soon, it turned into a pool of blood, flowing across the floor at his feet.

Gathering his wits about him, Bob slowly opened the front door and was horrified by what he found. Jessica was lying there in a pool of blood and a large knife was sticking out of her head. She was completely naked and her eyes were glazed over. His mind raced as he tried to understand the strange scene that lay before him. But, stranger still, was the neat pile of blue clothing which was sitting on the grass beside Jessica’s dead body.

Reaching over her naked corpse, he picked up the blue clothes and, turning them over in his hands, he realized it was a blue uniform. There was some black lettering printed on the back. It read “State Hospital for the Criminally Insane”.

He fell to his knees beside the dead girl’s body as he finally understood what had happened. The Crazy Lady had murdered Jessica for her clothes.