Has her mother always been fat and frumpy looking?? It seems disingenuous to judge a woman based on her menopausal look, when a significant majority decline look-wise starting 35. What happened to the argument women use that personality and character exceeds physical appearances that aren't long lasting. She is outright admitting these things are irrelevant. Finally, why single out BM and WW relationships. She states she isn't speaking for either Black or White but her observations as biracial. Is she then suggesting women select better looking male partners?? Minority who date and marry other Minorities aim high and less when its White Partners. Irrespective if Gender. Infact its only social class differences where this pattern is broken. It's partly due to novelty and an incapacity to accurately judge. This confused mutt has no respect to either her mother. Whom she deems is too ugly for her liking. Neither to her father, who she judges to be problematic as other black men. To herself for posting this goofy message and towing that convenient biracial line.