Can't believe how bad they fukked up that movie. I mean how hard is it to write a movie about two plumber BROTHERSsaving a princess from a dragon/turtle/Koopa.
that actually doesn't sound easy at all lmao
Can't believe how bad they fukked up that movie. I mean how hard is it to write a movie about two plumber BROTHERSsaving a princess from a dragon/turtle/Koopa.
that actually doesn't sound easy at all lmao
that actually doesn't sound easy at all lmao
In order to make a definitive wolverine movie youd have to shrink him down and make him wear prosthetics like the hobbit but who really wants to spend all that money when jackman is doing the part and really not getting any concrete flack from the fans
I liked it but...yeah daredevil
Hugh Jackman is/was ass playing Wolverine. One of the worst adaptations of a comic book character ever.
-Child's Play........this time, leave it ambiguous as to if the boy was lying and doing the killings or the doll was really killing those people
Sorry but this sounds like whining he's been portrayed like this since the 90s pretty much . The samurai trying to control the Beserker whos now a headmaster of a school is great . It's called growth good characters should do it.And the character also can't be ultra heroic, loved by everyone, and have every chick he comes across
I can't say enough how much I despise the "modern" version of Wolverine.
In order to make a definitive wolverine movie youd have to shrink him down and make him wear prosthetics like the hobbit but who really wants to spend all that money when jackman is doing the part and really not getting any concrete flack from the fans