COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Not the point. Saying they scamming individuals for money is false. It would be scamming the government. Leading to my next point. The government is not about to pay for fake shots every year. Individuals might tho. The governments want to spend less not more, that's always the goal. These companies making vaccines have to sell them on the necessity of shots for them to then be distributed. Furthermore they have more than one manufacturer. Multiple studies are being conducted on covid simultaneously. Nobody has to take Pfizer word. Same steps being undertaken world wide.

I got family in countries where regular people have no access to any shots let alone a muthafukking booster. People in the west are always speaking from a place of privilege. None of this shyt has to be hypothetical. It's places that won't give you one shot cuz they can't afford to. Go see how folks are living there post covid in those places. For anyone who needs to see to believe. There are parts of the world that still didn't get 1 covid vaccine for the average citizen. And that herd immunity never kicked in either. People are steady getting sick.

We distrust big pharma, governments, medical system. All within reason but you and most other people have no other alternatives. That's reality. Because herd immunity thing ain't working with this virus and it's mutations. That's can be gauged easily where the vaccine has not been available. You don't like the official plan cool. What's your plan? Don't tell me herd immunity neither.
You are talking to people who didn't know that well before Covid, you could not travel to certain places without certain shots because you could go over there catch something and it's game over
It’s been two years and y’all still don’t understand how the vaccines work. WILD
There are people in this thread who co-signed that this shyt was because of 5G technology breh

I'm STILL stuck on'll never be able to get over that shyt even when this is all over


Aug 9, 2013
You are talking to people who didn't know that well before Covid, you could not travel to certain places without certain shots because you could go over there catch something and it's game over

There are people in this thread who co-signed that this shyt was because of 5G technology breh

I'm STILL stuck on'll never be able to get over that shyt even when this is all over

the reality is none of us know what the hell is really going on

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
That doesn't mean that big pharma doesn't prefer it this way.
You'd have to remember the political power of covid

the fact that if there is a drug cocktail that would exist, it would be just that a cocktail, and those drugs would be be available in generic form, and those drugs would be owned by plenty of different pharma companies. With these vaccines they're able to pool resources to a couple of companies instead of dozens. While these politicians own stock in these companies and set the mandates.

Drugs don't become generic overnight. In some cases the pharma company can hold exclusive rights over a patent for 20 years. Even if they hold the patent for 7 years they will be able to upcharge like crazy.

Pfizer's covid antiviral is gonna cost $700 for a 5 day prescription.

And as bnew pointed out monoclonal antibodies will cost thousands per infusion.


Nov 1, 2015
What is more likely to happen is that one day far down the line, the world will know that this vaccines had long term consequences. That’s not to say they’ll be severe, but if they are there, enough generations will have passed that it’ll be another thing that young people know but don’t care about, because it was simply so long ago: and they’ll have their own problems to worry about the same way we do know and don’t pay attention to the way the worlds governments have already wronged the people before us. Because with so much going on in the here and now, how can we worry about what happened yesterday to some people who are already gone.

so you believe there are long term consequences from being exposed to spike proteins that the vaccine triggers production of, but you don't think the same of exposure to covid w/spike proteins?


Sep 22, 2015
These vaccine mandates will probably be struck down. And if so these drug company stocks will tank.

I wouldn't give your hopes up with SCOTUS. I listened to the hearing the woman speaking for OSHA mentioned "grave danger" at least 25x...lowkey weird af the stuff people are pushing these days. Most of the judges seemed to be going along with it.


New Bee
May 2, 2012
Queen City
This is America


Save $ not Hoes

Aug 3, 2012
Funny part is my job just sent out an email for the antiviral pills that dropped yesterday. Can't imagine being boosted up 3 times just to have a nikka get a pill and be good. You hate to see it
Feb 7, 2015
You are talking to people who didn't know that well before Covid, you could not travel to certain places without certain shots because you could go over there catch something and it's game over

There are people in this thread who co-signed that this shyt was because of 5G technology breh

I'm STILL stuck on'll never be able to get over that shyt even when this is all over
My man it grifts keep getting more ridiculous they're out here pushing Golden Showers as a cure now

Anti-vaxxers are touting another new Covid ‘cure’ – drinking urine. But they are not the only obstacles to ending the pandemic | Arwa Mahdawi

Anti-vaxxers are touting another new Covid ‘cure’ – drinking urine. But they are not the only obstacles to ending the pandemic
Arwa Mahdawi

Those spreading misinformation are doing real damage. But big pharma and rich countries need to stop hoarding vaccines


Dangerous falsehoods are undermining trust in the Covid-19 vaccine. Photograph: Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/Rex/Shutterstock

Iam starting to think that common sense really is not that common after all – we live in exceedingly stupid times. Exhibit 874: US anti-vaxxers are now urging people to drink their own urine to fight coronavirus. Over the weekend, Christopher Key, the leader of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine group called the “Vaccine Police”, posted videos online extolling the health benefits of what he described as “urine therapy”. According to the wizard of wee, there is “tons and tons of research … [and] peer-reviewed published papers on urine”; so if you do your own pee-search you will discover it is God’s own antidote to Covid-19. “This vaccine is the worst bioweapon I have ever seen,” Key said. “I drink my own urine!”

That is not the only questionable thing he does. Key was recently arrested for refusing to wear a mask and filming proceedings during a court hearing. The reason he was in court? He was arrested in April for refusing to wear a mask at a Whole Foods store. In August he made headlines for suggesting that pharmacists should be executed for administering coronavirus vaccines; in December he also set off on a road trip across the US with a fake badge and firearms, in a mission to arrest a Democratic governor over vaccine mandates. Very busy man, our Mr Key! I cannot help thinking that if his name was Mohammed his shenanigans would have had him locked up in Guantánamo Bay by now.

Key’s “urine therapy” is far from the only experimental – and highly dubious – Covid “cure” to be promoted during the pandemic. We all remember the former US president’s comments on the benefits of injecting bleach. Last year saw a prolonged bout of Ivermectin-mania. Now, along with urine, the right seems to be fixated on Viagra and colloidal silver. Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, who has repeatedly questioned the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines, recently dedicated a portion of his show to hyping the potential of Viagra as a potential cure. Carlson seized on the story of a British nurse reportedly recovering from a Covid-19 coma, after being given a dose of Viagra, to sing the little blue pill’s praises. “Is there anything [Viagra] doesn’t cure?” Carlson joked. Yes, I am afraid it does not appear to cure stupidity.

Speaking of which, the conservative media personality Candace Owens recently told her social media followers that she takes a “teaspoon a day” of colloidal silver, a product that has also been touted as a Covid cure by the likes of Infowars founder Alex Jones. I am sure I do not need to tell you this but there is zero evidence that colloidal silver can help with Covid. On the contrary, taking too much can turn your skin blue permanently and, in rare cases, can even kill you. (I can never resist an opportunity to big-up my hero Wilkie Collins, so I urge you to read his underrated novel Poor Miss Finch, about a blind woman who falls in love with identical twins, one of whom turns blue after trying to cure his epilepsy with silver. The novel won’t cure Covid but it may provide temporary reprieve from existential ennui.)

The amount of misinformation about Covid cures is highly depressing, and it is important that we hold to account the people spreading dangerous falsehoods, and undermining trust in the vaccine. Still, let us be clear: the biggest obstacle towards ending this pandemic is not kooks such as Key and Owens. The obstacle is the rich countries that have been hoarding vaccines, and the likes of Pfizer and Moderna, who have been slow to license their vaccine technology (developed with taxpayer money) to poor countries. The fact that big pharma is making billions from a public health crisis is unconscionable. I am very pro-vaccine but I am running out of enthusiasm for boosters. The idea of potentially having to get a fourth shot soon, while so much of the world still cannot access a first dose, makes me sick. If only we had a vaccine for greed.


May 1, 2012
I wouldn't give your hopes up with SCOTUS. I listened to the hearing the woman speaking for OSHA mentioned "grave danger" at least 25x...lowkey weird af the stuff people are pushing these days. Most of the judges seemed to be going along with it.
You're right never trust the Government when it comes to doing anything right. Both Administrations have completely botched the response to this pandemic.

But the fact they keep getting caught in lie after lie about these vaccines is telling.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
the fact that innovations are being made to vaccines is a GOOD thing.
that means ongoing research is taking place. that is a GOOD thing.
will a 30 year old car get me from point A to point B? yes.
does a 30 year old car have the safety features i'd prefer? no.
progress is being made and at a rapid rate.
super computers and AI have made simulating molecular structures for the creation of vaccines is relatively new, groundbreaking tech that far too few people know about let alone appreciate.

years ago i was in the hospital for a couple of weeks because an abscess burst inside me and fukked me up.
had a fever of 103-104 for over a week. they tried several antibiotics before they found whatever combo worked.
if not for antibiotics i would have died. there is no question in my mind about that.
now what if i depended on my elite immune system?

yall are foolish to deny yourselves the benefits of modern medicine and science.
Dudes can't even comprehend the jumps in technology we've made since 2007 despite having an example of it in their fukking pocket but are :patrice: at the advancements in medicine in the face of a global pandemic threat

This message board man...sometimes....phew...