People convinced themselves that da stoppage of extra unemployment payments would force folks back to go work at these shyt jobs for shyt pay and got tricked.
Bruh, that was the biggest “duh” moment ever. Folks really tricked themselves into thinking that the vast majority of people were not going back just to suck up unemployment. It’s only anecdotal so it’s not worth much, but I am not the only person I know who used anytime we had an any extra money we had to scale up to get better jobs and we had coming into the pandemic. My schools tuition went up shortly after enrollment shot up. People really think we’re gonna go back to February 2020
between folks getting a chance to realize there is more to life than shytty work and anti-VAXxers making this whole thing lasts longer than it should, some things are going to change in a major way. I am due to start a new position soon and I’m already thinking a year ahead to what positions I’m going to be looking into do the wages trending up.
Most folks are part of the working poor and I don’t begrudge them for doing whatever it takes to better than selves during this time. Politicians feel them and idiot worker bees are blaming regular people for not wanting to put up with it.