COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
What you doing posting on the coli , you could’ve been cured AIDS with all that knowledge



Dec 15, 2019
I’ll take the bait only cause the reasoning here is flawed.:patrice:

For starters,
Macrophages for cancer and the hard to kill sht
Dendrites to both recall and send out the other cells.
Natural Killer cells for cancer
eosinophils for allergies , but they basically suck at everything else.
And plain old rank and file B cells.

Now with all that aside, the avg person does not need to know the internal mechanisms behind bodily processes in order to improve/reinforce themselves, anymore than you have to know the specific rna sequences of the Pfizer vaccine to take it. For example, Africans in the 1500s were well aware of inoculation before a DNA sequence or even the knowledge microbes was propagated and used inoculation liberally because it worked. Native Americans also knew which grasses to chew to alleviate stomach pain without needing to know the acidity or basicness of those grasses on the PH scale; they simply did it because it had proven to work before. Similarly, the ancient Chinese did not need to know the mechanisms of inflammation in order to know the ginseng makes the pain go away.

For these reasons, that wall of questions is mad disrespectful and disingenuous. For clarification, I actually am vaccinated; but I’m also aware that drinking milk for vitD and oranges for vitC is damn good for your immune system. Not being obese and remaining active is also good for the immune system. Same could be said for avoiding stress (cortisol) or even laughing more(yes I’m damn serious it boosts your macrophages).

These are things that genuinely do work cause of historical track records ; and should not be discounted. Also, let’s not forget that the reason old people are so susceptible to COVID is because their immune systems are trash. So you working on yours aint a bad idea:hubie:
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I’ll take the bait only cause the reasoning here is flawed.:patrice:

For starters,
Macrophages for cancer and the hard to kill sht
Dendrites to both recall and send out the other cells.
Natural Killer cells for cancer
eosinophils for allergies , but they basically suck at everything else.
And plain old rank and file B cells.

OK. Welcome to like...the second year of college biology. It gets way more complicated than that. But i respect the effort.

Now with all that aside, the avg person does not need to know the internal mechanisms behind bodily processes in order to improve/reinforce themselves,
Wrong. You have to actually know what active ingredients are at play and how they're being used.

For example, you can eat all the [insert plant] you want, but theres a reason they go through the effort of isolating and concentrating certain elements or constituents to have any functional impact. Its the same reason weed got stronger over the last few decades. People found what worked, and focused SOLELY on that.

You can't ignore basic biochemistry here.
anymore than you have to know the specific rna sequences of the Pfizer vaccine to take it. For example, Africans in the 1500s were well aware of inoculation before a DNA sequence or even the knowledge microbes was propagated and used inoculation liberally because it worked
I literally made a thread on this two days ago. I know the story of Onesimus.

Tariq is 100% wrong on vaccines and indirectly proved science correct on his broadcast

Heres the problem. VARIOLATION, which is what you're referring to, was a primitive and incredibly dangerous practice that often killed way more than necessary because it didn't have the modern refinement and targeting that we have to day. Plus we literally know basic germ theory today. Heres a paper on it. 06.pdf
. Native Americans also knew which grasses to chew to alleviate stomach pain without needing to know the acidity or basicness of those grasses on the PH scale; they simply did it because it had proven to work before. Similarly, the ancient Chinese did not need to know the mechanisms of inflammation in order to know the ginseng makes the pain go away.
Yes. Same with aspirin and willow bark. I get it. But its not the same and you know this.

Cyanide is also natural. Is this the route you want to go down? Just cause it grows in a field doesn't mean its inherently better.
For these reasons, that wall of questions is mad disrespectful and disingenuous. For clarification, I actually am vaccinated; but I’m also aware that drinking milk for vitD and oranges for vitC is damn good for your immune system
This is unproven FYI.

Linus Pauling got a nobel prize for one thing in quantum physics but thought his opinions on other matters of health around vitamin C escaped rationality and were never proven. How Linus Pauling duped America into believing vitamin C cures colds

Same thing with Kary Mullis who invented PCR but denied HIV.

Great people can always do dumb shyt.
. Not being obese and remaining active is also good for the immune system. Same could be said for avoiding stress (cortisol) or even laughing more(yes I’m damn serious it boosts your macrophages).
You're talking about factors, not determinants.
These are things that genuinely do work cause of historical track records ; and should not be discounted. Also, let’s not forget that the reason old people are so susceptible to COVID is because their immune systems are trash. So you working on yours aint a bad idea:hubie:

You fell into the trap. You haven't defined what "trash immune systems" are or how you measure it.

Is it because you don't know?

Do you know anything about flow cytometry and staining?


May 1, 2012
Los Angeles
People literally willing to die in order to prove their loyalty to Trump and/or be a smart dumb nikka. Crazy times we live in. :wow:

I couldn't imagine putting my health at risk just for the sake of right-wing virtue signaling :scust:
Trump rolled out the vaccine and took it yet these idiots still dying. Darwinism at its finest

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
I feel like as black people we should really take research seriously. Honestly. People spreading misinformation and what not… and it’s just draining to read because the correct answers are literally a few types away.

Like today my family got on the topic of how variants come around… trying to tell me me about how the virus mutates from the vaccinated. Knowing that’s wrong I’m like bruh let’s google this to see if you’re right and then they’re fukking wrong… and when you’re wrong or realize how wrong you are you need to stop that shyt. I don’t think people understand that word of mouth is powerful. nikkas who are way smarter than us do research day in and day out. Why not take it more seriously.

Its too intellectually draining to do honest research and analyze scientific studies on this (I myself cant go through most scientific studies without quickly becoming bored and losing interest). This is why its so easy for people to latch on to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories provide simple explanations for complex issues. And the theories are especially alluring when there is some sinister motive behind them.


Sep 24, 2015
Its too intellectually draining to do honest research and analyze scientific studies on this (I myself cant go through most scientific studies without quickly becoming bored and losing interest). This is why its so easy for people to latch on to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories provide simple explanations for complex issues. And the theories are especially alluring when there is some sinister motive behind them.

Good post, I cant stand idiots who think scrolling through social media or watching a couple videos on youtube counts as actual "research" :mjlol:


Jun 15, 2012
Unvaccinated Americans Blame Everyone But Themselves—Children, Vaccines And Not Wearing Masks—For Covid Surge, Poll Finds

Unvaccinated Americans Blame Everyone But Themselves—Children, Vaccines And Not Wearing Masks—For Covid Surge, Poll Finds

Nearly 8 in 10 (77%) vaccinated Americans blame the high number of Covid-19 cases on people refusing to get vaccinated, according to the poll conducted September 13-22 among 1,519 U.S. adults.

Vaccinated adults also pinpointed people not taking enough precautions like mask wearing and social distancing (73%), the infectiousness of the delta variant (67%), and local and state governments lifting restrictions too soon (59%) as key reasons for the rise in cases, the poll found.

Just 12% of unvaccinated adults believe people refusing the vaccine is a major factor behind the high case numbers, the poll found, with the majority (58%) thinking the surge is driven by vaccines being less effective at preventing the spread of Covid-19 than scientists initially thought.

Unvaccinated people even cited vaccine holdouts last among all reasons driving the high case numbers polled by Kaiser, including children who aren’t eligible for vaccination (15%), governments lifting restrictions too soon (27%), the infectiousness of the delta variant (35%), people not taking enough precautions (37%) and immigrants and tourists bringing Covid-19 into the country (40%).

Divergent beliefs in what is driving the wave of coronavirus highlight the wider differences in opinion between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, with a majority of holdouts thinking that breakthrough infections (66%) and the potential need for booster shots (71%) show the vaccines don’t work.

Just 11% of vaccinated people thought breakthrough cases indicate the vaccines aren’t working, Kaiser found, and 19% thought the same of booster shots.