but let people like you tell it…the vax is causing blot clots
they found an increased risk of thrombocytopenia, blood clots in veins and other rare arterial blood clots after a first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. After the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, they found a higher risk of blood clots in arteries and ischaemic stroke.
However, the data showed that there would be 934 extra cases of thrombocytopenia for every 10 million people after infection, compared with 107 after the first shot of the AstraZeneca jab. For ischaemic strokes, there would be an estimated 1,699 extra cases for every 10 million people after infection, while there would be only 143 extra cases after the first Pfizer jab.
People can develop these conditions even without infection or vaccination. The risks described in the study are the additional risks brought by the vaccines or infection. The risks associated with the vaccines were also relatively short-lived, the researchers cautioned in the British Medical Journal.”
there’s that.
so now the question is what is the demographic of these particular blood clot victims.
I hate how critical thinking is thrown out the window in an effort to “win” Covid “points” And it’s always the same posters.
put all the info out there and let people choose.
also in the article it says this…
“He added: “
The rarity of these adverse events makes it difficult to quantify precisely their frequency after specific vaccines. As we accumulate more data, we will become more confident in our comparisons;
and it may be that this will enable us to identify which vaccines (if any) are to be preferred in different categories (age, sex, etc) of recipient with increased confidence.”
Based off all or nothing pro vaxers criteria, this is a blasphemous quote.
educate yourselves and don’t be swayed by people who rep something because they feel like they’ll be on the right side.