Drip Bayless
Anti vaxxers have no idea how probability works

'stop posting these thing'
Dumb fukk. If there's something wrong with the vaccine people have to know.
Do you guys work for Pfizer or some shyt?
If any of you bothered to read the official document detailing the exercise the govt released it said millions would have problems around a yr after taking the vaccine. Hasn’t been close to a yr yet.
And if you think this story is hitting the news now because of just 226 people you need to give me a call, I have a way we can make some quick cash just cash app me 1,000 today before noon.
You people have put your lives in the hands of murderers and gotten your news from the same sources that have lied to you throughout this whole thing!
Heart inflamation is not "some type" of inflamation, is some serius shyt, do you believe there are millions of vaccinated people with these symptons but just decided to sleep it off?You actually believe this too. Do you think everybody who got the vaccine is being monitored? Do you think "some type of inflamation" will be something that sends people running into hospitals?when you know how people avoid doctors visits![]()
In other words, there’s no point in getting vaxed.I also read about a bunch of cases of that happening after having Covid
so who gives a fukk at this point
Everyone who dies AFTER getting vaxxed will fall into one category
everyone who dies after refusing to get vaxxed will fall into another
If a White poster was constantly talking about Chicago with respect to crime and guns in this country...you'd rightfully call that poster out for using FoxNews talking points to explain the gun situation in the Chi correct? You'd point out that these young people, if they had the same opportunities as the their White counterparts in that city they wouldn't be in the streets like that right? You'd point out that the guns in Chicago don't come from Chicago but from the lax gun laws in the surrounding states right?
That's what this thread is and EVERY thread these dudes make are on
So it's cool you wanna...I dunno, give everyone a chance or some shyt....but we're just calling it out for what it is, BS anti-vax propaganda
You'd be surprised at how many posters on this site don't even have a grasp of basic math or even percentagesAnti vaxxers have no idea how probability works![]()
You know what’s crazy breh, somebody just told me the other day that viruses can mutateYet people are taking a vaccine cause they're "scared" of a virus with a 97% recovery rate. It cuts both ways.
You'd be surprised at how many posters on this site don't even have a grasp of basic math or even percentages
They just post really grumpy and puff their chests out and then maybe couple of other posters co-sign them and then bam they got a following
When it comes to sports they get a little pass because a lot of the times the numbers are what they are.
But other shyt? fukk...it becomes painfully obvious
You haven't said ANYTHING in this postLike I told you, I could care less about what OP and other dudes are saying in this thread about the vaccines. I'm talking about my POV. If there were long term issues from the vaccine years down the road and I or my family got sick from, I wouldn't expect you nor anyone in this thread to care as it doesn't effect you personally.
As I've said before, I'm not anti-vaxx (vaccinated myself actually), but I'm not going to sit here and act like there isn't the possibility of long term effects of this medication that could happen to any one of us at any point and time. That's a naive way of thinking. If there are people having effects from the vaccine, then I want the news to be honest and transparent about it in case that it happens to me or anyone that I know.
I'm speaking from my perspective and my perspective only because none of you will give a damn as long as it isn't happening to you.
Im sorry, but I’m not linking anything my friend. A regular poster here sent it to me in my pm’s when I asked him to do the same. He said he wouldn’t post it publicly because of the ridicule he took, and continues to take, when he tried to warn you good people. If you didn’t listen then and ran out and took the poison, what good would reading that document do you now?
And let’s be honest, we both know you nikkas wouldn’t read it anyway. Lol. You in particular love talking about Black people and our negative behavior patterns, so you’d know this better than anyone here. You know the old, old adage about where to hide something if you don’t want the Black man to see it.
But start a thread begging the kingsman for his forgiveness while apologizing for your collective conceit and maybe he’ll go on and post it.
John Hopkins released documents for 2025-2028 claiming this exact situation...
you gotta link?
I'll pm it