Oh it's related. It's also related to COVID. The CEO of Texas Roadhouse killed himself due to getting this from actual COVID.

Even the articles about his death don't say that:
“Currently, there is little evidence published connecting novel coronavirus and tinnitus directly,” the case study said. “But according to the American Tinnitus Association, preexisting behavioral conditions make it more likely for patients to experience tinnitus due to the stress and depression associated with social isolation and infection avoidance.”
Study published earlier this month:
Auditory symptoms and COVID-19: Is there a link?
"Not everyone who has gotten COVID-19 has reported auditory symptoms, and it’s been difficult to determine if the onset of these symptoms was truly a result of COVID-19 or other factors such as a pre-existing hearing loss, noise exposure or middle ear infections.”
So no, there's not a clear link between the two. Not saying it's impossible but it hasn't been proven yet. Yes, I realize you have tinnitus directly after the vaccine....but again, 32% of the U.S. would have it, anyway.
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