Actually it is.
If most states "open business", then the government won't have to provide stimulus because employers can bring people back.
Employees will have the option of going back to their job or being fired.
States have already been overwhelmed with unemployment claims so they will try to stall until employees laid off due to this virus are offered their positions back.
The government is forcing the private sector and taxpayers to stimulate themselves. Way more people will get infected since there isn't a vaccine and the vast majority of the population hasn't even been tested yet, nor does this country has the capacity/resources to implement mass testing.
This is a cluster fukk of epic proportions
And millions of people in the country are too stupid to adhere to "social distancing". We are a spoiled, entitled, ignorant and selfish society. It's how we have been conditioned and nothing will change that.
Yes, it isn't that simple. It is a selfish society where some people feel they should be off work for months while others should have to work at grocery stores to keep these same selfish people fat. Yea, more stimulus which comes out of taxpayer pockets. It's not simple because there is no simple answer.
You can talk about 3 months of shutting shyt down again, what will it do if you have the same idiot administration hat is uwilling to guide or lead, the same states running around competing with each other for PPE. You think things change in 3 months? The economy is completely fukked at that point (it aready is but 3 months from is the greatest economic depression ever)...while other countries are 3+months ahead of you economically. Will there be more testing? Nope. More deaths? Yep.
What needed to happen will not happen. It's too late. Unless yall get a new President, it's over. So now you gotta figure it out an some states should not be opening but that's what happens when you have a retard President who won't take any accountability and refuse to lead.
But as you say, lock it all down...everyone...for 3 months then holla.