Because of what happened last weekhmm why the switch up from Cali
Because of what happened last weekhmm why the switch up from Cali
The protests are about to get bigger now
How is Putin going to be done?
Putin prob done in Russia after this
It’s laughable because the window for effective “contract tracing” closed a long time ago.. like late February, early MarchI'm bout tired of the words "contact tracing" at this point. They giving me a headache
They already ran it into the hole
3.8. Million more People Applied for Unemployment, SMH. It's time to Open up The Economy. At least my fellow Construction Workers can go back to work. We got families to feed!
Facts at least in NYC. We been back at it. Cuomo stopped shyt for a week.Bruh, construction is essential, that shyt didnt stop unless your company decided to on their own.
Getting called antisemetic over this, hes not wrong
If he woulda added PeriodT
Getting called antisemetic over this, hes not wrong