If this holds then this changes everything
A crazy amount of people in Nyc have had it which round be a positive for mortality rates
Holy shyt...ttc was the dream job in high school. So protectedhttps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-layoffs-1.5542445
never in my life has ttc ever laid off a soul
city jobs that used to be more secure than air force one
The TTC announced that it is also pausing all salary increases for non-unionized employees, reducing overtime across the organization, reviewing current vacancies and forgoing hiring all seasonal hires. It is also delaying all non-essential capital projects "in accordance with provincial guidelines," according to the news release
Holy shyt...ttc was the dream job in high school. So protected
Corona fukked up the game
Wild, what's that death rate looking like if this is true? 0.7-0.8%