COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Apr 24, 2015
Trying to help save your peg legged, half retarded ass moms you faggit motherfukker.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Good evening, yall. I haven't been posting a lot about my wife lately because I didn't want to jinx anything.
She is still very sick, still on pretty much around the clock IV's, and they are still trying to fight off the infection in her brain, but like 7 days ago now, they had her on a ventilator. She woke up, and was responding pretty well to instructions, but was non verbal. They decided to ween her off the vent and put her on oxygen. Well that same night she was having trouble breathing again, and they put her back on the vent. We found out the next morning that all this shyt went down, so I was hopeful, and then distraught, because all the news you see is vent=grave nowadays.
About 5pm that day, after being a complete fukking mess, I get a call from the hospital, I didn't even want to answer tbh, I was, in those 3 rings, ready for the worst news in my life. I picked up, voice shaky
Nurse: is this Mr. Fact?
Me: This is he.
Nurse: Mr. Fact, she wants to facetime with you..
Me: Which Dr.? or Nurse?
Nurse: No, your wife!
Me: What are you talking about, she just got put back on the vent this morning, what are you saying? *all that's going through my mind is that they are letting her facetime her family because she is......)
Nurse: She will explain everything
So it was, about 10 minutes later I get a facetime from the units ipad from my beautiful, tough as fukk, gangster ass wife with NO NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE telling me that she came to this morning (about 30 minutes after I heard from the Dr's that am) not knowing why she was in the hospital, not knowing a week went by, and ready to put hands on nurses and dr's for having her on a ventilator. I was having a really hard time getting through the call, I was so fukking overjoyed, it's harder than I thought it would ever be explaining to someone that you thought they were going to die, and how much it meant to me to hear her voice and see her face again, something I wasn't sure I was going to ever be able to do again, in this life anyway. Especially with her being confused as to what the fukk happened, being in a place she hates (we have spent WAY too much time in hospitals over the past 8 years), and her just saying she wants me to come and get her right now.
I actually slept for the first time that night thinking everything might turn out alright. The next day, we talked a couple more times on the ipad, the Dr's and Nurses I talked to all said that they had never seen a patient go from what she was 24 hrs ago to what she was when she woke up. I tried to warn them not to get too far ahead of themselves just yet, she is a nurse herself and has been dealing with a very rare disease, learning everything there is to know about it for the last 8 years, along with a practically identic memory for medical science, that if they treat her like a "victim" or not tell her exactly what is happening, however complex they might think it is for normal patients to hear, she is going to make hell for them. Luckily the HCP's really actually appreciated my wife's knowledge and ability to answer questions about her conditions, her symptoms, and helped administer a lot of her own simple care, she said they were absolutely fukking slammed, a lot of the nurses and dr's were running on fumes.

I talked the person that was supposed to be my point person inside the hospital so I didn't have to keep calling the nurses and drs every hour, and she told me that my wife would definitely be in the hospital for another 6-8 weeks on IV antibiotics. Ok, that's a long ass time, but whatever it takes, even though my wife is gonna lose her shyt. I then get a call from the neurosurgeon that will be doing her last resort brain surgery if the infection does not go away, and he said she will be in the hospital for at least another week. WTF? I called back my point person, she said she will look into it. I get a call from Dr. that runs the unit she is on, She says at least middle of May. I get a call from my wife on Friday, she says "I'll be home next week". WTF!! I just chalked up my wife's wishful thinking to drugs or exhaustion. On Monday morning my wife calls and says "I'm not getting discharged today". I said "Well, that sucks (in the back of my mind, i'm like no shyt, you aren't coming home anytime soon baby)", She also told me that she came back negative for her 3rd Covid test (apparently they are out of room, and there are units where non covid, and covid patients are onm same floor, and have same nurses, which scared the fukking shyt out of me). She also said that there was a chaos on the floor among the nurses because they ran out of masks. FANTASTIC.
Tuesday morning she calls me at 8am "I'm being discharged today". I'm still letting all of this sink in. She is not out of the woods yet, she is still very sick, still on IV's, but she is in the other room right now, I can hear her sleeping, I can hold her when I go to bed.

Thank you everyone on here for all your well wishes, positive energy, prayers, everything!! I am extra humbled, gracious, happy, and hopeful. This site's community is overall one of love, compassion, togetherness, and positivity!!! I wish nothing but good health, good will, and a good and happy life for y'all, and I absolutely believe that all the positivity from y'all was a factor in the miracle of my wife's ability to heal at home. Thank you!

:salute: for your wife's recovery at home.


Jan 26, 2017
This shyt slowed down?? I stopped paying attention lol


They lowered the projections from 150k dead to 60k dead by August by ..... except we're gonna pass 60k Monday

This is a last gasp by the government not to pay any more unemployment. A last gasp by the banks so theyre not forced to freeze mortgage and rent.

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Feb 8, 2015

Everytime I go on Facebook I just be wanting to delete like 20% of my friends list and I’ve been cool with them for decades. The fact people can twist their face and say it’s a hoax or compare it to the flu when almost 50,000 people died in 60 days is disgusting. That means if we extrapolate for a year that’s 300,000 deaths and that’s not taking into account exponential growth and the compounding effects of more people getting sick.

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
trump ain’t playing chess..

he literally has no idea what he’s doing or saying by the hour.. that’s why the tweet Obama threw at him today touched his nerve
i aint talkin bout chess forreal im talkin bout as far as switching it up saying he telling them not to open if shyt goes left when they do so he wont get blamed for opening up the country earlier than what was in place :stopitslime: relax breathe a little

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
Good evening, yall. I haven't been posting a lot about my wife lately because I didn't want to jinx anything.
She is still very sick, still on pretty much around the clock IV's, and they are still trying to fight off the infection in her brain, but like 7 days ago now, they had her on a ventilator. She woke up, and was responding pretty well to instructions, but was non verbal. They decided to ween her off the vent and put her on oxygen. Well that same night she was having trouble breathing again, and they put her back on the vent. We found out the next morning that all this shyt went down, so I was hopeful, and then distraught, because all the news you see is vent=grave nowadays.
About 5pm that day, after being a complete fukking mess, I get a call from the hospital, I didn't even want to answer tbh, I was, in those 3 rings, ready for the worst news in my life. I picked up, voice shaky
Nurse: is this Mr. Fact?
Me: This is he.
Nurse: Mr. Fact, she wants to facetime with you..
Me: Which Dr.? or Nurse?
Nurse: No, your wife!
Me: What are you talking about, she just got put back on the vent this morning, what are you saying? *all that's going through my mind is that they are letting her facetime her family because she is......)
Nurse: She will explain everything
So it was, about 10 minutes later I get a facetime from the units ipad from my beautiful, tough as fukk, gangster ass wife with NO NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE telling me that she came to this morning (about 30 minutes after I heard from the Dr's that am) not knowing why she was in the hospital, not knowing a week went by, and ready to put hands on nurses and dr's for having her on a ventilator. I was having a really hard time getting through the call, I was so fukking overjoyed, it's harder than I thought it would ever be explaining to someone that you thought they were going to die, and how much it meant to me to hear her voice and see her face again, something I wasn't sure I was going to ever be able to do again, in this life anyway. Especially with her being confused as to what the fukk happened, being in a place she hates (we have spent WAY too much time in hospitals over the past 8 years), and her just saying she wants me to come and get her right now.
I actually slept for the first time that night thinking everything might turn out alright. The next day, we talked a couple more times on the ipad, the Dr's and Nurses I talked to all said that they had never seen a patient go from what she was 24 hrs ago to what she was when she woke up. I tried to warn them not to get too far ahead of themselves just yet, she is a nurse herself and has been dealing with a very rare disease, learning everything there is to know about it for the last 8 years, along with a practically identic memory for medical science, that if they treat her like a "victim" or not tell her exactly what is happening, however complex they might think it is for normal patients to hear, she is going to make hell for them. Luckily the HCP's really actually appreciated my wife's knowledge and ability to answer questions about her conditions, her symptoms, and helped administer a lot of her own simple care, she said they were absolutely fukking slammed, a lot of the nurses and dr's were running on fumes.

I talked the person that was supposed to be my point person inside the hospital so I didn't have to keep calling the nurses and drs every hour, and she told me that my wife would definitely be in the hospital for another 6-8 weeks on IV antibiotics. Ok, that's a long ass time, but whatever it takes, even though my wife is gonna lose her shyt. I then get a call from the neurosurgeon that will be doing her last resort brain surgery if the infection does not go away, and he said she will be in the hospital for at least another week. WTF? I called back my point person, she said she will look into it. I get a call from Dr. that runs the unit she is on, She says at least middle of May. I get a call from my wife on Friday, she says "I'll be home next week". WTF!! I just chalked up my wife's wishful thinking to drugs or exhaustion. On Monday morning my wife calls and says "I'm not getting discharged today". I said "Well, that sucks (in the back of my mind, i'm like no shyt, you aren't coming home anytime soon baby)", She also told me that she came back negative for her 3rd Covid test (apparently they are out of room, and there are units where non covid, and covid patients are onm same floor, and have same nurses, which scared the fukking shyt out of me). She also said that there was a chaos on the floor among the nurses because they ran out of masks. FANTASTIC.
Tuesday morning she calls me at 8am "I'm being discharged today". I'm still letting all of this sink in. She is not out of the woods yet, she is still very sick, still on IV's, but she is in the other room right now, I can hear her sleeping, I can hold her when I go to bed.

Thank you everyone on here for all your well wishes, positive energy, prayers, everything!! I am extra humbled, gracious, happy, and hopeful. This site's community is overall one of love, compassion, togetherness, and positivity!!! I wish nothing but good health, good will, and a good and happy life for y'all, and I absolutely believe that all the positivity from y'all was a factor in the miracle of my wife's ability to heal at home. Thank you!
:salute::salute::salute: best news ive heard in a couple days.happy for you and your family.

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012

Andalusia PD: Woman Coughs on Officers, Arrested for Violating Social Distancing Order
Posted: Apr 21, 2020 1:00 PM CDT
by Alabama News Network Staff

An Andalusia woman faces multiple charges after hosting a party while Alabama is under an order from the state health officer limiting gatherings.

Chief Paul Hudson said the Andalusia Police Department received a complaint Monday night of loud music on Brewton Street.

“When officers arrived, they found a party of about 40 to 50 people,” Hudson said. “They also smelled an odor of marijuana.”

Officers made contact with the tenant who currently renting the house, Melanie Nicole Chambers. Chambers became irate with officers, he said.

Hudson said Chambers also coughed in an officer’s face and said something about COVID-19, the coronavirus currently causing a worldwide pandemic.

Officers obtained a search warrant and located numerous items of narcotics, including marijuana and drug paraphernalia. As a result, 39-year-old Chambers, was charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and violation of the state health officer’s current suspension of gatherings due to COVID-19. Chambers’ total bond is set at $23,500.

Hudson said the arrest marked the first time the APD has charged someone with violation of the state’s stay-at-home order.

“We are handling this on a case-by-case basis,” he said. “If participants refuse to comply with the order, we have to take steps to enforce it.”

Hudson also praised the officers who responded and handled the situation.

“Three officers initially responded, and they did a good job of keeping order and getting back-up,” he said.

Andalusia PD: Woman Coughs on Officers, Arrested for Violating Social Distancing Order - Alabama News
she look like booker T foolish ass woman


Aug 6, 2012

Health professionals say some coronavirus patients have had blue or purple lesions appear on the feet or toes, a new symptom that is being referred to as “COVID toes.”

Ebbing Lautenbach, a doctor who serves as chief of infectious disease at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine, told USA Today that the lesions are “typically painful to touch and could have a hot burning sensation.”

“This is a manifestation that occurs early on in the disease, meaning you have this first, then you progress,” he continued. “Sometimes this might be your first clue that they have COVID when they don’t have any other symptoms.”

According to USA Today, the symptom has mostly appeared in children and adults and younger adults who would otherwise generally be asymptomatic.

Lautenbach said the symptom goes away in some cases in less than two weeks. However, he added the symptom can signal the start of other problems for some patients.

Experts are still working to understand what causes the symptom. However, in Massachusetts, one doctor, Susan Wilcox, told the paper that she has seen the purple lesions appear in some COVID-19 patients that are in critical condition.

Wilcox told the paper that she thinks purpura fulminans could be the culprit. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, purpura fulminans is “an acute purpuric rash characterized by coagulation of the microvasculature, which leads to purpuric lesions and skin necrosis.”

Wilcox has also reported seeing purpura fulminans appear in serious flu and pneumonia cases.

“You get the infection, and then your body will release a cascade of inflammation,” she told the paper. “In many ways, it’s beneficial, but then sometimes it can either be too much, so the inflammation can lead to its own damage.”


Nov 2, 2017
New York
Good evening, yall. I haven't been posting a lot about my wife lately because I didn't want to jinx anything.
She is still very sick, still on pretty much around the clock IV's, and they are still trying to fight off the infection in her brain, but like 7 days ago now, they had her on a ventilator. She woke up, and was responding pretty well to instructions, but was non verbal. They decided to ween her off the vent and put her on oxygen. Well that same night she was having trouble breathing again, and they put her back on the vent. We found out the next morning that all this shyt went down, so I was hopeful, and then distraught, because all the news you see is vent=grave nowadays.
About 5pm that day, after being a complete fukking mess, I get a call from the hospital, I didn't even want to answer tbh, I was, in those 3 rings, ready for the worst news in my life. I picked up, voice shaky
Nurse: is this Mr. Fact?
Me: This is he.
Nurse: Mr. Fact, she wants to facetime with you..
Me: Which Dr.? or Nurse?
Nurse: No, your wife!
Me: What are you talking about, she just got put back on the vent this morning, what are you saying? *all that's going through my mind is that they are letting her facetime her family because she is......)
Nurse: She will explain everything
So it was, about 10 minutes later I get a facetime from the units ipad from my beautiful, tough as fukk, gangster ass wife with NO NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE telling me that she came to this morning (about 30 minutes after I heard from the Dr's that am) not knowing why she was in the hospital, not knowing a week went by, and ready to put hands on nurses and dr's for having her on a ventilator. I was having a really hard time getting through the call, I was so fukking overjoyed, it's harder than I thought it would ever be explaining to someone that you thought they were going to die, and how much it meant to me to hear her voice and see her face again, something I wasn't sure I was going to ever be able to do again, in this life anyway. Especially with her being confused as to what the fukk happened, being in a place she hates (we have spent WAY too much time in hospitals over the past 8 years), and her just saying she wants me to come and get her right now.
I actually slept for the first time that night thinking everything might turn out alright. The next day, we talked a couple more times on the ipad, the Dr's and Nurses I talked to all said that they had never seen a patient go from what she was 24 hrs ago to what she was when she woke up. I tried to warn them not to get too far ahead of themselves just yet, she is a nurse herself and has been dealing with a very rare disease, learning everything there is to know about it for the last 8 years, along with a practically identic memory for medical science, that if they treat her like a "victim" or not tell her exactly what is happening, however complex they might think it is for normal patients to hear, she is going to make hell for them. Luckily the HCP's really actually appreciated my wife's knowledge and ability to answer questions about her conditions, her symptoms, and helped administer a lot of her own simple care, she said they were absolutely fukking slammed, a lot of the nurses and dr's were running on fumes.

I talked the person that was supposed to be my point person inside the hospital so I didn't have to keep calling the nurses and drs every hour, and she told me that my wife would definitely be in the hospital for another 6-8 weeks on IV antibiotics. Ok, that's a long ass time, but whatever it takes, even though my wife is gonna lose her shyt. I then get a call from the neurosurgeon that will be doing her last resort brain surgery if the infection does not go away, and he said she will be in the hospital for at least another week. WTF? I called back my point person, she said she will look into it. I get a call from Dr. that runs the unit she is on, She says at least middle of May. I get a call from my wife on Friday, she says "I'll be home next week". WTF!! I just chalked up my wife's wishful thinking to drugs or exhaustion. On Monday morning my wife calls and says "I'm not getting discharged today". I said "Well, that sucks (in the back of my mind, i'm like no shyt, you aren't coming home anytime soon baby)", She also told me that she came back negative for her 3rd Covid test (apparently they are out of room, and there are units where non covid, and covid patients are onm same floor, and have same nurses, which scared the fukking shyt out of me). She also said that there was a chaos on the floor among the nurses because they ran out of masks. FANTASTIC.
Tuesday morning she calls me at 8am "I'm being discharged today". I'm still letting all of this sink in. She is not out of the woods yet, she is still very sick, still on IV's, but she is in the other room right now, I can hear her sleeping, I can hold her when I go to bed.

Thank you everyone on here for all your well wishes, positive energy, prayers, everything!! I am extra humbled, gracious, happy, and hopeful. This site's community is overall one of love, compassion, togetherness, and positivity!!! I wish nothing but good health, good will, and a good and happy life for y'all, and I absolutely believe that all the positivity from y'all was a factor in the miracle of my wife's ability to heal at home. Thank you!
Blessings to you and yours breh :salute:


May 6, 2012
The US is fukked up. Just so many cases and deaths but at what point do we look at the modeling and think...about how off it was? I’m talking about other countries. Perhaps it had to do with social distancing being implemented correctly but the numbers are off big time. All I know is Our numbers in Canada are nothing close to best case scenario. I feel like the modeling and medical professionals got leadership so spooked that they rushed to shut shyt down when maybe thry didn’t have to.

We will see in the coming months but this could have been managed much better but part of that has to do with preparedness and the type of response from the government. US is getting hurt by sheer ignorance from leadership.

Tired of the “articles” from health professionals contradicting each other. This isn’t a contest. Take your time and give us credible info.