Probably got federal government breathing down their neck to re-open shyt, not to mention lobbyists like Vince and other unnamed millionaires/billionaires that want to make money again.
There’s no doubt
Probably got federal government breathing down their neck to re-open shyt, not to mention lobbyists like Vince and other unnamed millionaires/billionaires that want to make money again.
The stupidity of red state Amurikkka should never be underestimated...Maybe they didnt take into account how dumb americans are, with people protesting and all.
As long as you’re ok with paying taxes through the nose and a socialist government, sure. Canada is great if you’re poor. It sucks if you’re middle class and above.
bruh i was watching that live too..Yooooooooooooooo the mayor of Las Vegas is on CNN wildin!!!
She said she wants the citizens and workers of Las Vegas to be the control group for opening everything back up without social distancing. This lady is a fukking fool. The casino's have her all the way in their pocket.
Niccas gonna be getting fresh infections along with their fresh cuts over the next few weeks. We’re watching.
Man if there really are multiple strains a vaccine won't work. That's why flu vaccines don't work to achieve herd immunity. There's too many different strains.Very good piece on how scientists are using contact tracing and RNA sequencing to track the path of the virus. A good chunk of it discusses how the mutated strain that hit Seattle and the west coast was significantly different than the one that hit New York and Europe. Recommend everyone read it when you have time.
Solving the Mysteries of Coronavirus With Genetic Fingerprints
Would You mind if I made a thread about this?
there's another option: close loopholes, ban stock buybacks again, and tax billionaires and mega-corporations at reasonable rates. we already see they are using the tax cuts for useless stock buybacks. we don't need to pay taxes "through the nose" to provide a standard of living, US GDP per capita is by far the largest. The government just isn't serious about making corporations pay their fair share.
Recruiters still hitting me up like crazy during all of this. Also my company has been hiring a ton of people the past month
As long as you’re ok with paying taxes through the nose and a socialist government, sure. Canada is great if you’re poor. It sucks if you’re middle class and above.
Why cant these cities just wait for another 4 weeks
Numbers are down accross the board
Just chill for another 1 month