You can still get the flu with a vaccine and thousands were still dying from it. That's the part I'm talking about mainly. People were dying in the thousands every year and most of these cats that let's be honest don't have flu shots were just living life. We've been in our homes and now online some don't want to sound different because you know conspiracy theory when personally I'd love for someone to point out what I said was a conspiracy theory. If the media did this same shyt with the flu nikkas would be acting the same way so I'd love to know where a conspiracy comes from? Dudes just too emotional and or scarred to have a different opinion than the norm.
Naw, you are just dumb and don't understand basic mathematics and multipliers . This virus would wreak havoc every damn season if it is not taking under control or a vaccine is created. Its way too contagious and its a wrap for most people with underlying conditions but would still be alive with normal flu symptoms.
The chart says that once you catch it you are as a minimum twice as likely to die from it irrespective of your age.
As for average do you know what the average age / health profile is of Americans? Average age of Americans is 38.1 years old. Add in obesity and that's around half in at least the 40 age + profile risk level which is 4 times the flu as a minimum. (Co-morbidities increase odds by 80% - google).
Then you have long-term damage to lungs in the recovered and the asymptomatic.
From University of Minnesota
Studies profile lung changes in asymptomatic COVID-19, viral loads in patient samples
In new research developments, a team from Wuhan, China, reports that even asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 pneumonia have abnormal lung findings on computed tomography (CT), and a group from Beijing noted that viral loads from infected patients appear to peak 5 to 6 days after symptom onset. Studies profile lung changes in asymptomatic COVID-19, viral loads in patient samples
From The Lancet
COVID-19 pneumonia manifests with chest CT imaging abnormalities, even in asymptomatic patients, with rapid evolution from focal unilateral to diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities that progressed to or co-existed with consolidations within 1–3 weeks. Combining assessment of imaging features with clinical and laboratory findings could facilitate early diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.
Even Maldini said this today two weeks after recovery
1. reinfection / immunity storm topics - attrition of repeated infection
2. long term damage - esp. for asymptomatic carriers
3. other organ damage + transmission vectors (blood?)
Then you have
Asymptomatic and recovered patients have exhibited organ (lungs in particular) damage. This would make they less likely to handle a successive infection.
ts 46m36s "If you have Pulmonary Fibrosis [which covi19 can cause in mild / recovered cases] it is not a condition that just clears up, that will be a chronic condition that you will be living with for the rest of your life" - said within the context starting at ts 44m.
Someone else provided links to ~7 videos. Are you actually going to watch them. Are you actually going to refute my points one by one?
I doubt it.
For the record - roughly
80% are generally asymptomatic
14% need some medical attention
4% need hospitalization
1% die
Potentially 80% lung damage Potentially 4% or more organ damage - including heart, kidney, lungs 1% dead with a working medical system. More without.
Is NOT the same as the flu where 0.01% die.
Yes there are many open questions but so far the picture looks like I spelled out and it is far from being what happens during the flu.
Did you actually watch the videos that someone else posted. I am guessing not and that is why people don't want to waste their time on you.
People do NOT want to do your heavy intellectual lifting for you and the rest of the parrots.
And even though these points have been detailed on here over and over and over again you can bet your bottom dollar that someone else is going to come in here parroting the same nonsense before long.
I think Soros, Hilary, Fauci and Bill Gates are teaming up to create 5G so they can keep their pedophile pizza parlors secret on the higher encryption rates as the 5G infects the sheeple population thus forcing them to get vaccines that will warn them if the storm is coming for the pizza parlors.
ok, good point, the figure is incomplete to represent the whole. however the 35% is not irrelevant.
of the ones they've tracked until completion, 35% have ended in death so far. the % might get smaller, yesterday it was larger
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