An update on my wife's situation. She had a surgery to clear out her sinuses, and the Dr I talked to said he had never seen an infection like that in his career. He said that it was like clearing out wet cement, but he also said that he accomplished his goal, doesn't believe the infection is fungal (which is the best news) and now that her passage ways are cleared out, it gives the medicine/antibiotics a better chance to turn the infection from spreading, and fighting it medicinally. She is on a vent from when they did the surgery, and they are being cautious in weening her off some of the drugs they have going into her before they take her off the vent. I hear ventilator and immediately go fukking crazy, but my best friend is an anesthesiologist and he explained things to me in a way that keeps me calm. I am still so very grateful for all of your positive thoughts/prayers/energy and beyond humbled. I have been texting her phone pictures of the dogs, who miss her and are sad, and just whatever stupid shyt comes to my mind, she does have her phone with her, so I'm just waiting for the day when she is able to see her phone, find out how emotional I have been, and text me that i'm a "p*ssy" (and probably worse, lol, both of us being not outwardly emotional, we joke all the time whenever the other shows any deep emotion, she is just like a coli breh in that respect, but it's out of love and humor). After what have been the absolute worst 3 days in my life, I am just starting to actually be kind of more and more grateful I am not there to just watch her suffer and not be able to do anything, although I do wish I could get more updates. I have had to call every time for updates, which I don't mind doing at all, but nobody from the hospital has called me other than the 1 Dr. that did her surgery, and the anesthesiologist to get permission. I know that ICU's are slammed, and I am eternally grateful for what all these HCP's are doing to keep my world alive, and I can't even imagine how many calls they take from people a day ranging in emotion from devastated, to confused, to angry af, but with her being in critical condition, I just wish there was a better way. I'm at a point now where I am not frantic, so I am doing some work, trying to keep my mind busy, lurking threads, watching some of the shows we would watch together so when she wakes up and can talk again, I can spoil the fukk out of them for her lol, and I plan on completely remodeling the bedroom for when she comes home, getting some of the pictures I have taken blown up and canvased, I'm going to completely redo the backyard, she wanted a patio set, I'm going to build her a whole ass "retreat" back there, just spending all this nervous energy on constructive things that will make her happy when she gets home. If I can't be with her, I will use my energy to make life more enjoyable for her when I can be again. Happy Easter, Coli, and from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all of you!