Florida Hits 100+ in a day for the first time.
If Florida becomes like New York you dudes are fukked because DeSantis isn't as competent as Cuomo.
this is why I think it’s too early to really see the trend for the US, as the handling of it has been complete patchwork from state to state
sure, CA and WA (who reacted relatively quickly) may seem to be levelling off...even NY hopefully at some point soon...but then the other states that reacted slow likely are just getting started....the cumulative trend of the US will then be looking different than what was thought last week
it’s not the same as looking at other countries that had unified national responses...it’s more like looking at the cumulative trend of a collection of countries that had varied responses (or even worse, because travel is not restricted between states like it would be for countries) - which I’d think is challenging to predict