nut in a cup and give it to a stud couple, [and think you want pay child support] brehs
Really though....this poses an interesting question/dilemma though ......... I think the guy actually might have a strong chance here
nut in a cup and give it to a stud couple, [and think you want pay child support] brehs
You're blaming the father for helping a couple realize their dream.
no im not, he did a nice thing for this couple, now he has to pay? it wouldn't matter if it was a gay couple or a straight couple, it's beyond unfair. you saying this couple doesn't have the means to provide for a child, then why have one???
Yall are always talking about women taking responsibility for their behavior and choices and how easily they allegedly get passes for irresponsibility. How come you won't do the same for this idiot? How come he's not responsible for his incredibly stupid choices?
And stop talking about the "good" he did. This is about the government suing him, not about the women not giving him what he deserves or betraying him.
i'm not part of that #HardOnHoes coalition that spreads crap around this site so . if you call him stupid these women must be full-blown idiots. Lets not forget, they're the ones who sought donors ON CRAIGSLIST.
that might not turn out okay? if this dude were someone else they could've ended up dead or diseasedOf course, seeking a donor through Craigslist is something that might not turn out ok. It's possible to do a proper, legal transaction through it, but in a case like this, it's unlikely. I have no trouble ridiculing them for that.
that might not turn out okay? if this dude were someone else they could've ended up dead or diseased