Kill Dat Noize
box office wise i think it is fair to say we are currently in the midst of a golden age. no doubt about it.
but eventually the tide has to turn. there's GOING to come a time when a superhero movie isn't guaranteed to do numbers. when spidey is about to enter his 9th or 10th go around... or when batman is just about to hit his 4th or 5th reboot... or when the avengers have all been recast with different actors once or twice over... and they have exhausted every major story arc... and the novelty of seeing these characters on screen has worn off...
... eventually the returns on these movies are gonna start to diminish.
and what happens when the returns start to diminish? the budgets get cut. no more big name actors. no more mass marketing campaigns. no more huge, jaw droppingly epic CGI spectacles like the fight scene in avengers or man of steel. they can't afford to. these movies aren't the same draw anymore. the mainstream audiences aren't turning out. the only people still paying to see these movies are the comic geeks, the action junkies, and the parents taking their children.
... and that got me thinking.
if those are the only people showing up, and those are the only people still getting these movies funded... who do you think they're gonna start catering them towards? how do you think these movies are gonna be produced once they no longer carry the burden of having to appeal to the mainstream?
all of a sudden it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to have thor wear his helmet... or have wolverine be 5 feet tall and parade around in yellow spandex.
all of a sudden it makes sense to have batman fight crime in classic gotham city... and not chicago or detroit.
and does superman really need to be this much of a mope?
and does this movie really need a shoehorned love interest? will anyone care?
and do we really need to make this movie about a guy with a green power ring more serious and more believable for an adult audience?
and do we really need all these muted colors? aren't these stories based on comic books?

you get my point.
and think of the other pros as well that comes with a smaller budget. does spiderman really have to save THE ENTIRE CITY again and duke it out on this HUGE, EPIC scale... or would a tight knit, more personal movie about him and venom be pretty fukkin cool? or wolvering and sabretooth? or batman and the riddler? no more "hero saves the world in a huge battle" movies. instead we could finally get those smaller scale adventures and finally embrace the worlds these characters come from.
it may end up looking like I, Frankenstein... but hey... you can't expect everything.

but eventually the tide has to turn. there's GOING to come a time when a superhero movie isn't guaranteed to do numbers. when spidey is about to enter his 9th or 10th go around... or when batman is just about to hit his 4th or 5th reboot... or when the avengers have all been recast with different actors once or twice over... and they have exhausted every major story arc... and the novelty of seeing these characters on screen has worn off...
... eventually the returns on these movies are gonna start to diminish.

and what happens when the returns start to diminish? the budgets get cut. no more big name actors. no more mass marketing campaigns. no more huge, jaw droppingly epic CGI spectacles like the fight scene in avengers or man of steel. they can't afford to. these movies aren't the same draw anymore. the mainstream audiences aren't turning out. the only people still paying to see these movies are the comic geeks, the action junkies, and the parents taking their children.

if those are the only people showing up, and those are the only people still getting these movies funded... who do you think they're gonna start catering them towards? how do you think these movies are gonna be produced once they no longer carry the burden of having to appeal to the mainstream?
all of a sudden it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to have thor wear his helmet... or have wolverine be 5 feet tall and parade around in yellow spandex.

all of a sudden it makes sense to have batman fight crime in classic gotham city... and not chicago or detroit.

and does superman really need to be this much of a mope?

and does this movie really need a shoehorned love interest? will anyone care?

and do we really need to make this movie about a guy with a green power ring more serious and more believable for an adult audience?

and do we really need all these muted colors? aren't these stories based on comic books?

you get my point.
and think of the other pros as well that comes with a smaller budget. does spiderman really have to save THE ENTIRE CITY again and duke it out on this HUGE, EPIC scale... or would a tight knit, more personal movie about him and venom be pretty fukkin cool? or wolvering and sabretooth? or batman and the riddler? no more "hero saves the world in a huge battle" movies. instead we could finally get those smaller scale adventures and finally embrace the worlds these characters come from.
it may end up looking like I, Frankenstein... but hey... you can't expect everything.