Been said this...I've been saying it for years. White is the default in America
For instance, lets use the Chicago Bears as an example, when you pick your team on Madden, it has a default uniform. That default choice would be white if the team was American. And the Bears are going to play in those default unis the most. Every now and then you get to see an Alternate Uni, that is the black or any other minority group in America being put on display.
Those unis aren't called default (white/American) they are called Alternate (black/American) because it is a rarity to see it on front street.
this is why things like Black Girls Rock need to exist
Another thing, the internet at this point is highly eurocentric and really displays how White/Caucasian is the or should I say has been pushed toward the"default" to speak.
Tons of adds featuring white people catered to white people, dating sites with majority white people, tons of articles catered to and written from the white point of view with everything from the clip art to the figures of speech reflecting it, porn sites with majority white actors, actresses, and scenes, videos on youtube featuring a mass of white people, offsetting movies featuring shytloads of white people, television featuring endless throngs of white people, and whatnot.
This isn't about it being a representative of the White American population, this isn't about it being a representation of the White European population, this isn't about it being a representation of the White Latin American population, or Canadian population...this is the sum whole almagamation of the whole entire white population globally being used as a standard and offset and default.
If you're not white...or especially if you're black, you'd have to be blind to not see this.
The women who read these magazines are dumb as shyt and need someone to tell them how to think...cause they can't do it for themselves.Good idea! But smth deeper than Ebony and Essence,goddammit! It only takes me 5 mns to read about mother in law ish and low fat turkey stuffing recipes! Cosmo in case you didn't know is for Cac women and their peculiar idiosyncrasies like why you must fake an orgasm for Tom Cruise but not for Sasha Distel,interpersed with exhortations to buy Jimmy Choos and Loboutins which are apparently critical to female Cac self esteem.