This video gives a great explanation on why all these viruses keep coming from China:
China's government needs to stop playing with people's lives
China's government needs to stop playing with people's lives

cutrate plane tickets in a pandemicIm including that...
Its too late man...
Had the market been free we would have known about it much sooner and been able to prepare, instead government suppressed it and hid it. Now the world is fukked.
She on her own fam...
For real though, be safe.
It’ll be okay fam. It’s still regular flu season. Keep us posted.
I didn't say anything like that. If people dying is what you're upset about then that's all you needed to mention, but apparently it ain't enough motivation because you threw in YOUR STOCKS as the reason you'd be fine with Trump winning the election.
Carnival is an awful company in an awful industry. Their headquarters is in Florida but their ships fly the flags of Panama, Bahamas, and Malta so they can dodge human rights laws and environmental regulations. They pay many of their employees less than a dollar an hour and force them to work 80 hours a week - in some cases 100 hours a week. Living conditions for the employees are shyt and labor rights are zero, they're basically floating sweatshops.
Sweatships - a living hell below decks
Also, they've repeatedly been caught dumping oil, human waste, and plastic waste directly into the ocean, eating the fines and then go right ahead doing it again. Not to mention that sexual assaults are super common on cruise ships (and Carnival leads the way in that department). It's just a rotten industry top to bottom.
And supporting Wynn is basically supporting a billionaire scumbag Trump supporter who profits off of people's gambling addictions. Another industry that's just making the country worse.
The school I work at is preparing to be closed for a monthMayor just had a press conference because a teacher who was on a recent cruise has Coronavirus and she returned to school and was teaching before she had symptoms. They are closing that school.![]()
The school I work at is preparing to be closed for a month![]()
Crazy shytDamn. Making a Walmart run in the morning. I picked up some stuff but I'll need more because I have a feeling more schools will close. She been walking around since 2/25. Those kids she could have infected went home to their families who they could have gotten sick. Then they went to work. Ugh.
stay safe, breh
My understanding was that it attaches to cells similarly to HIV. I take it that's not true?