Fast Money & Foreign Objects
Iran might have been lying about the number of deaths , apparently it could be as high as 210 instead of the official figure of 34.
sounds really bad there, their VP even has it
Iran might have been lying about the number of deaths , apparently it could be as high as 210 instead of the official figure of 34.
We have some real lunatics leading this country.
It should be mandatory this theme plays while reading this thread.
Something has to be done about this whenever Dems take back control of the government. All of these shows should have propaganda warnings on them if they're still allowed to air (I would take them off air). On the radio it should be noted every minute that what you're hearing is pure propaganda.
Jesus.Your friends and their cohort's mathematical models are way off base or you lying your ass off about a friend at the CDC.
I call utter bullshyt!
So the CDC that hasn't declared the coronavirus a pandemic has a mathematical model that says best case 43 million will die worst case or best case 51 million people die. Your friend who has access to this data is the same data that people way higher up the food chains have access to but yet haven't called a pandemic because they want to see how this plays out. Also, it's not like everyone up and down the command chain doesn't have access to the same mathematical model.
So wait you're saying the WHO and CDC are what playing it close to the heart?
Stop with the sensationalism!
What part of town you in? If you on the south side I think 87th St Home Depot still has some. But you might have to buy in smaller packs. I was at the one by Western and 47th a cpl days ago and bought a cpl 30 packs and a 15 pack. My mom and my mother in law are both so dramatic, I bought it just to shut them up lmao.
Jesus.Then either my friend is a liar or they're wrong. I'm not worked up about and I wasn't trying to get anyone worked up. The regular flu kills more people and I thought I said that from the jump? I also thought I said that my friend was pretty insistent that they aren't panicking and that people shouldn't panic either.
It's a type of flu. It shouldn't be a surprise that people will get the flu. I think almost all of us should be fine. I'm not trying be sensationalist.
We're living itAre we ever going to get a 28 months or years later?