This should be fun
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has seen a notable global reduction in influenza cases of both influenza A and B viruses. In particular, the B/Yamagata lineage has not been isolated from April 2020 to August 2021, suggesting that this influenza lineage may have become extinct, which may provide opportunities for improving availability and effectiveness of influenza vaccines.
Infection with influenza B virus (IBV) accounts for around a quarter of the annual influenza burden. Influenza vaccine composition is reconsidered bi-annually to account for continuous antigenic drift in the haemagglutinin protein. The co-circulation of two antigenically distinct lineages of IBV, referred to as B/Victoria/2/1987 and B/Yamagata/16/1988 lineages (hereafter B/Victoria and B/Yamagata), has driven the development and application of a quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIV). With circulation of IBV only in humans and no established animal reservoir1, high vaccination coverage that induces broad immune protection provides a potential pathway to eradication of IBV. The considerable reductions of influenza circulation globally due to COVID-19 may have already precipitated the extinction of the B/Yamagata lineage.
Remember when the media was trying real hard to push the "Florida reopened and has less cases than California" narrative?![]()
I know 1 thing I somehow came out of Covid hating Americans a lot more than I already did and I’m not the only one.
That’s before we even get into all the people who realized how bad they’re being screwed and how awful everything is and how trapped they feel. That type of shyt is going to really fukk up your society. Which ties back to.. why would anyone want to start a family or have kids here especially millennials and Gen z
Our Covid mitigation efforts might have wiped out one of the four lineages of flu, and we probably could eliminate another (these two don't infect other animals so they can't replicate without human spread). It's sort of on the periphery of COVID-related news but it's a pretty clear example of how things like masking and social distancing impact airborne illnesses and spread.
Nature article: Influenza lineage extinction during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Link to the full paper:
If the Queen died from COVID, I can't imagine the heat Boris would get... because didn't he just get rid of Mandates?
Florida also has one of the highest(if not the highest) amount of senior citizens.
It's a travesty that someone who resided in the White House, is reduced to tweeting misleading information.
Fun fact, for the last month(if not longer), Florida and California have almost identical ICU capacities.
Weekly Hospitalization Trends - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
Florida also has one of the highest(if not the highest) amount of senior citizens.
It's a travesty that someone who resided in the White House, is reduced to tweeting misleading information.
Fun fact, for the last month(if not longer), Florida and California have almost identical ICU capacities.
Weekly Hospitalization Trends - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
florida doesn't include covid cases or covid deaths in their reports if the individual is a non-resident.
florida doesn't include covid cases or covid deaths in their reports if the individual is a non-resident.
Even if that's true, it's still unfair to compare one of the oldest states in terms of population of 65+(FL is at least top 3 in shares of population that's 65+), to one of the more younger states(CA is somewhere ranked btwn 30-40 on states w/ senior citizens).
Not too mention y'all still discounting the fact that FL's hospitalizations numbers have been in line w/ California for at least a month(from January to now)
I don't feel like looking up my old posts, but I showed a few months back using John Hopkins, that Florida had similar or better hospitalizations numbers than CA and other restriction states in either Fall 2021/December 2021.
Florida improving their hospilaztion rates after Delta surge(July/August '21), might have been due to DeSantis prioritixation of early treatments. Florida up until several weeks ago, had centers where you can get Regeneron.