Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Dec 11, 2013
What omicron's fast spread could mean for the U.S. – and the world
Although omicron infections only make up a small portion of the overall cases in the U.K., the forecasts are sobering. The country's health agency is warning that omicron infections are doubling every few days – and could make up half of all cases there by mid-December.

"The quick steady spread is just a very clear signal that this variant can spread exponentially even in highly vaccinated populations," says Jeffrey Barrett, director of the Genomics Initiative at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, which tracks variants in the U.K.

And the U.S. should take note: What the virus does in Europe, says Barrett, often foreshadows where the pandemic is headed on the other side of the Atlantic. "By next week, we will see clear evidence of an omicron wave in European countries, and I suspect the U.S. is at most a week behind that," he predicts.

I think the US was behind Europe for a month or so with the previous variants, so I guess the prediction of "at most a week" seems to show how fast omicron is.