Second wave unfortunately. I'm not surprised at all. Weather has been extremely good since July so people are more lax and get more social. So they go back from vacation potentially contaminated or contaminating people. Also life is pretty much back to normal since June so it doesnt feel pandemicky at all except for masks and gel
The only positive Im seeing with the current uptrend is that in the first wave we reached our max case count around 9k in a day on March 31st then reached max death count (1.5k in a day) two weeks after. But we have been steady above 5k cases daily since August 31st and had "only" 250 deaths this whole week. So that means that the cases are either milder (strain mutation ?) or we are better at prevention thanks to more testing/madk/social distancing or we are better at treating cases.
Unfortunately the flu season is upon us and that combo could boost harder cases so we'll have to wait and see for that one but 1k deaths a week is very probable in a couple of weeks IMO. 1k a day, I dont think it'll be possible again but thats just an uneducated opinion.