New Jeruzalem Journalist
No it won't. There's zero evidence that he's going to attract the type of support needed to impact a general election. Am I a fan of him? No. Do I think this is a deliberate attempt to throw the election to republicans, preferably Trump? Yes. But I think there's a major miscalculation at work. There's a clear decision being made by powerful people - specifically in tech, from Elon to Jack - that the best way to get Trump (or DeSantis) elected is by splitting the democrat vote and creating chaos or bitterness. Basically they want a repeat of 2016, where an unpopular nominee lost due to apathy and indifference. The problem is that the indifference of that year was driven by two principles:
1. "Yea but Trump isn't going to win"
2. "Even if he won there's no way he'd be as bad as you say"
Well...everyone saw how both those played out. Republicans have lost or struggled in every major election since 2016. It's clear there's a large group of voters who will vote against Trump no matter what and they're the most powerful coalition in this country. Folks aren't falling for the okie doke. Also I don't think DeSantis will win the nomination but if he did, I don't think people would sit by and let him win either.

You can't possibly really believe the bolded.
It's only June of 2023 and y'all already going hardbody retarded with the "Progressives cost us the election!!!" narrative.
We know it's the lowest hanging fruit but the damn things aren't even ripe yet. Chill.