Cop Pulls Over A Man Doing 65 mph on a 70 mph Speed Limit Highway


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang

I know the Supreme court way back when legally allowed these stop on a reasonable suspicion standard.

But He had the audacity to say that u were acting suspicious because u were going 5 below the speed limit.


After that if I was breh, I wouldn't have said another word to that idiot except for u are being recorded on a recorded satellite feed and am I being detained or am I free to go?

Fukk outta here asking me where I'm going or coming from.

I rather u fukkin lie and say I switched lanes without signaling or u thought my tail light was out.

That idiot should reprimanded off the strength off that ridiculous stop reason. But I know he Wont be.:scust:
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old pig

Nov 12, 2017
seen this earlier this morning...pissed me off

I was afraid for the brother when he got out the car @ the end tho

I remember a friend of mine got pulled over...we were on the highway...state trooper asked him to step out so he could talk...he obliged...the conversation seemed cordial so my cuz’n who was also in the car decided he wanted to join the conversation...when he stepped out another state trooper almost drew down on him and told him to get back in the car smh...them scary ass trigger happy dudes be looking for any excuse to reach for their guns smh


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I'm glad he pulled his ass over. Get off the damn highway with all that driving slow shyt:camby:

Nah. I don't know the NC law, but I'm almost certain 5 miles under posted speed limit, especially on a 4 lane highway is not an infraction if you in the right/slow lane.

If you doing 5 miles under speed limit in the left/fast lane that probably is a ticket.

The fact that he didn't explain his warning to him so he doesn't do it again is not right. The fact that he says he has things to do but can't explain to the driver how he can avoid that again is not transparency.

Calling a lawyer is going to cost more than the warning, and not likely to win a lawsuit, but good that he captured the conversation.

Matter Fact Let Me Stop Guessing
Consequences for Speeding Tickets in North Carolina May Be More Serious Than You Think

  • Speeding above the posted speed limit. Motorists can receive a ticket for driving faster than the posted speed limit. When there is no posted speed limit, the speed limit is 35 mph in a municipality, 55 mph outside of a municipality’s borders, and 70 mph on a highway. While many speeding tickets are infractions, a speeding ticket for driving over 15 mph over the posted speed limit or over 80 mph is a Class 3 misdemeanor.
  • Speeding below the posted speed limit. It is a violation of North Carolina law to drive on interstate and highway roads at less than 40 mph on a road with a posted 55 mph speed limit or less than 45 mph on a road with a speed limit of 60 mph or greater. It is also a speeding violation to drive so slowly on a highway that it impedes the normal flow of traffic.
Long story short, deputy was lying like shiit and gave him a made up warning, per North Carolina law.
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Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Nah. I don't know the NC law, but I'm almost certain 5 miles under posted speed limit, especially on a lane road is not an infraction if you in the right lane.

If you doing 5 miles under in the left/fast lane that probably is a ticket.

The fact that he didn't explain his warning to him so he doesn't do it again is not right. The fact that he says he has things to do but can't explain ti the driver how he can avoid that again is not transparency

Calling a lawyer is going to cost more than the warning, and not likely to win a lawsuit, but good that he captured the conversation.

In my ignorance I didn't watch the video, I just hate dumb people who don't have any business driving.