Cop just got murked live on fox news in dallas ( 12 shot 5 dead )


Jun 21, 2015
Black people shouldn't commit crimes... If black people didn't commit crimes or say nikka, racism wouldn't exist anymore.... Don't you understand that :francis:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
This speech is being overhyped by the media. Those cops in the background looked at Obama with such hatred. And besides once those killer cops get off in Minnesota and Baton Rouge and in Chicago(Laquan McDonald) all will be forgotten then shyt will get extra. The media is acting as if Obama and Bush's speech will have any effect on the streets. The punk police and their pro cop supporters in fox news and talk radio will still fan the flames of hatred. The country is still divided and tension is still in the air.


Jun 21, 2015
White people talking about MLK but don't talk about George Wallace :wow:

Evil folks out here... I always find it funny that these white folks think slavery is our end all be topic and clam up when we talk about 1865 to 1965.... Their ancestors might not have had slaves but that sure didn't keep them from treating black folks like shyt after slavery lol... It's like their grandparents or great grandparents didn't exist after slavery:upsetfavre:

Martin Luther King Jr was considered a trouble maker by their ancestors.... Your grandma and grandpa were pieces of shyt... Probably the same people saying this isn't what MLK would want.... bu bu but my ancestors didn't lynch slaves, actin like the Civil Rights Movement wasn't fukkin 50 plus years ago when black folks wanted to be seen as FULL HUMANS.... Oh yeah fukk mexicans and asians for riding the coat tails of Civil Rights and acting like an ass to black people... If it wasn't for black people, you'd still be wearing a Zoot suit and you Asians would still be Ching Chong coal mining status..... fukk both yall.....

Yall still haven't learned so we will be repeating the past and it will not go in your favor because a large minority of us have been awaken and see through your lies and bullshyt.... Enjoy it while it last, silent majority because when we are over with you, when got thosr Mexicans next..... Doesn't seem like it now but YOU WILL LOSE....I PROMISE


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
This is the difference between them and us. Most black people hear Obama's critique of certain aspects of some of our communities and :ehh: "true, true, we have work to do".

These petty, childish, evil fukking cops can't take an honest look in the mirror. They HATE hearing the truth.
Most if not all that cowards critiques isnt a product of our own doings

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Hate to say it, but I sense a tinge of c00nery from some of the earlier posts in here that's worth mentioning.

Some of yall thought he couldn't be black because of the professionalism and military-like precision of the attack. :heh: Like only white people or Arabs had the dedication and discipline could pull off some shyt like this. It's all good though.

I mean it's always whites folks doing this shyt. Once every 10 year you see a black man murking someone

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Obama to police: Dallas shooting was a 'hate crime'

President Barack Obama on Monday described the Dallas shooting as a "hate crime" against police, according to a top law enforcement representative in the meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

“One really striking thing the president said in his opening remarks was that the shooting in Dallas in many ways was strikingly parallel to the Dylann Roof shooting in Charleston in the sense that it was a hate crime,” said Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, in an interview with POLITICO.

During the nearly two-hour session, Obama told Pasco and seven other police association officials that if Micah Johnson were still alive, he would have been prosecuted for a hate crime, “which is quite a precedent from our standpoint,” Pasco said. Hate crime prosecutions are seen as a recognition that victims were targeted because of their race, religion, or some other characteristic, and they can carry greater penalties

Pasco, who has been critical of the administration’s tone toward police, said he “very much” appreciated the remark.

“At the end of the meeting I asked him to reiterate that publicly,” Pasco said.

The meeting, which included groups representing both rank-and-file officers and chiefs, was originally planned by Biden, but Obama, who cut his trip to Spain short after five police officers were fatally shot in Dallas, decided to join at the last minute on Monday. Obama will be joined by Biden and former President George W. Bush on Tuesday, when he speaks at a memorial service for the slain officers.

On Wednesday, he’ll gather law enforcement officials and policing reform activists to discuss ways to jumpstart the reforms outlined by a White House task force last year. Some officers have perceived Obama as siding with movements like Black Lives Matter over the police, especially in the wake of high-profile police-involved shootings like those in Minnesota and Louisiana last week.

“The president and vice president wanted to hear directly from law enforcement officials about their ideas on best practices for building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” said the White House in a readout of Monday’s gathering.

The statement said they discussed implementing the task force reforms, as well as “ways to support officer training in safely deescalating confrontations and systems to ensure the safety and wellness of those who protect all of us. The president recognized the importance of their continued partnership and emphasized his commitment to finding solutions to enhance public safety and reduce tensions between officers and the communities they serve.”

White House Counsel Neil Eggleston and Domestic Policy Council director Cecelia Munoz also attended, according to the White House.

Pasco said Obama expressed openness to looking into the new restrictions on local law enforcement’s use of military surplus gear, like armored vehicles and grenade launchers. According the Pasco, the ballistic helmet that saved an Orlando officer during the Pulse nightclub attack is one of the restricted items, and others have legitimate uses for local police, Pasco said.

While there’s still skepticism about Obama’s support for police, Pasco said, Biden is the “lynchpin” who brings law enforcement and the administration together. Pasco, for example, said he’s known Biden since the 1980s, long before they worked together on the crime bill in the mid-1990s.

“We trust him,” Pasco said of Biden.

According to the White House, Biden committed to reconvening the officers, as well as community leaders, for “ongoing consultation.”


Jun 16, 2012
I do not support the harming or killing of innocent people. With that said Black America has reached a breaking point after 500 of years of horriffic oppression and this seems to be a situation that probably Micah had a breaking point with racism and white supremacy. This was no conspiracy, this was no plan to start a race war (Scary Conspiracy white people who only believe conspiracies unless it's about racism and White Supremacy, lol). This was a Black Man that reach the end of the road with racism and White Supremacy. Also do not buy the "We had to use the bomb on him". B.S., The White Supremist wanted him blow him to pieces because he killed cops. Funny that's the penalty for killing cops but Black People? Oh here's some money officers while you wait on trail. Oh here's house arrest or bail officers. Oh here your aqquited and you can go home to your families officers. ZERO ACCOUNTABLITY as these race solider neo nazi KKK cops have been killing FOREVER and the system just moves right along, cuts the family some hush money and then we repeat the cycle later with the same results.

They are using military grade A.I. Robot Techology (We in the matrix, wake up) to kill a Black Man but the Boston Bombers actually blew people up and it wasn't used. Dyann Roof killed more people than Micah and a Burger not a Bomb was used. Mind You The Dark Knight Shooter was taken in alive also killing more people. This tells us wither we commit crimes or not, deadly violence force is always used on Black Americans reguardles of guilt or innocence). You telling me an entire police force couldn't take down one man that they had to send in a Johnny #5 aka Chappie to kill him? (I threw in Chappie to help the youngins). Look I know Dallas PD had nothing to do with the last 2 shootings with that said they are still the system. NOBODY family deserves to lose a loved one from unnessessary violence. Well the police of the US have been shooting black people first and asking questions later only to not be held accountable. Imagine all the black lives lost before video? Rodney King cops got off WITH VIDEO. What happening isn't NEW, it's now blasted for all the world to see and the White Supremeist curtains have been pulled back. Though I am sad for those officers familes and childern I've come to grips that every battle for freedom has always been a battle where people have lost lives.

Micah served our country as a military man and went to war. But he came home as a Black Man and had to watch Men, Women, little Girls and Little boys murdered on video. You never know someone's mental state. So yes people can call him a heartless killer and murder for his actions and again I do not justify the decision he personally made to commit this acts. But the broader White Society accepted the results that completely let all those officers off and most people went on with your lives while families had to move on from the tragic deaths. In conclusion, White Supremacy and Racism created Micah Xavier Johnson. Also to all the people "He can't be black, Blacks don't shoot like that". SMH, anyone who knows any Black person in the military knows Black Men can handle weapons just as well as any of there white counterparts. Also if you go to basic trainning in the Army or Marine Corp you are basically trainned to be a sniper on the low with long range shooting drills. Oh and White Media, Calling him "Micah X" was a weak attempt to shame Malcolm, Black people didn't fall for it, nice try.

"For Every Action, There is an Equal or Opposite Reaction" - Issac Newton

"Violence Begets Violence" - Martin Luther King

"What Goes Around, Comes Around" - Proverb

"Do Onto Others, How you would do Yourself" - Bible

"You Reap what you Sow" - Bible

"The Chickens are coming home to roost" - Malcom X


:salute: Well said my brother :myman: