Nah a civil war now isn't like the old days which would leave you open to foreign invaders, one Nuke and its a world wide holocaust so other countries just aren't suicidal enough (maybe North KoreaCivil war sucks and nobody goes untouched. And American White people have so many enemies around the World that a Civil war within American borders would be an invite to ISIS, the Chinese, North Koreans, Arabs, Russians, etc., to covertly come on in and get dat White American ass. Nobody (White or Black Americans) wants anything to do with a Civil War, but White people just will not have it any other way. It is only so many times that White Americans can keep bullying Black Americans; and Black Americans don't fight back.
I live one block away. There's no shots
Civil war sucks and nobody goes untouched. And American White people have so many enemies around the World that a Civil war within American borders would be an invite to ISIS, the Chinese, North Koreans, Arabs, Russians, etc., to covertly come on in and get dat White American ass. Nobody (White or Black Americans) wants anything to do with a Civil War, but White people just will not have it any other way. It is only so many times that White Americans can keep bullying Black Americans; and Black Americans don't fight back.
Sniper murdered 5 cops because of Kunta Kinte?!?'
so the feds doing surveillance on BPO in Texas?WFAA reporting, FBI warned DPD of a group in Houston making threats. FBI tracked them to Arlington last night, so DPD was on alert today. Man has run into the garage that only PD personnel are allowed in. If this is some dude making a joke, he is gonna get gunned down.